Need Programmers for Ipad game

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by starcat, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. Nijo

    Nijo Well-Known Member

    #41 Nijo, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    I referenced the Eve Online team earlier in the thread. While the founders could code, it was still necessary for them to raise investment capital in order to pay for a team for x years.

    If your ideas are *that* good, and you can demonstrate via your other companies an ability to see those ideas through to success, maybe you should approach some VCs.

    I would do this in two stages: find about $50k in capital through state grants, small business help, or whatever other funding is available to you. You may need to borrow it. Use this to hire a developer (and negotiate a part-royalties deal) and create a prototype. Once you have this, approach a VC for a few million $, expecting to give away at least half the company. Learn how to negotiate as they're experts.

    If that all sounds scary - and it does to me - then you might be out of your depth. :)
  2. dhondon

    dhondon Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Maybe not the best time to start making an mmo when you don't have any spare time:)
  3. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'm gonna have to call BS now. You've got a lot of ideas, but seem to lack all the required skills to put them into action, IF they're even as sensational as you say they are... which I also doubt.

    I don't want to make enemies here, but there isn't really a shred of evidence that anything you've said is true. If you were a successful businessman with a load of companies, you could afford to hire a team of professionals to work on an MMO full-time, you wouldn't be on a forum begging people to work for free.

    The way it generally works on this section of the forum is thus: you put forward your request, for artists, programmers, whatever you need... then you give them proof that you're worth working for. You've kinda failed on the second part, for all we know you could be a delusional ten year old kid making up stories. This isn't how business is conducted at all.
  4. Bochu

    Bochu Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Really though, and I know I'm probably sounding like just another critic but I can't help saying it, I can't imagine anyone experienced posting about royalties on a great project without having anything to back it up and NOT expecting the kind of feedback that's been received. If anything, it seems indicative of inexperience...but hey, we live and we learn.
  5. So let me see if I have this straight. You said:

    And you also said:
    So which is it? Do you play video games for a living and not make much money, or do you run a bunch of different companies and have enough money to build a $500K website that will change "muisic" forever?

    Inquiring minds want to know!
  6. Belthazzar

    Belthazzar Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2010
    Whoa, you sure got balls, but,

    #1 Idk if youve realised differences between idea, concept and actual design documents. Thats hundreads of pages. Esp if you wanna make it better then WoW. It needs to be done precisely, balanced. Every aspect needs to be prepared for any ingame action it may affect.

    #2 Budget. Esp. MMO needs a big one. Thousands or even millions. For engines (please, say you dont want these poor folks make you also engine also for free), for super-powerful computers running 24/7 to hold servers, for actual work.

    #3 You didnt realised how much work is behind MMO. Years, with couple dozens of workers. And you expect to see people, nonproffesionals, make you a game, for free, sacrificing all their time while youll just drum on your drums/play games for living/make super music site?

    Im not saying you should have no ambitions, but this isnt right way.
    Since I suppose youre person with average sallary bsing around, my advice, if game is so revolutonary:

    -Write good concept, no need of DD, so... ~100 pages of text.
    -Register its trademark so it couldnt be stolen.
    -Prepare presentation, buy a tuxedo and visit all of the main game industries (SCE, EA, Ubisoft, whatever) or one of the production industries (like Take Two), not sure which would be better step, probably production ones.
    -Hope theyll like it and make a deal with real, payed, developers and spend next 3-5 years doing it.
  7. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    SOUNDS BEAUTIFUL! this kid's got some balls i gotta say. he's got a whole forum against him and he is still fighting
  8. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    I don't understand how you can create a site that will change music forever if you can't even spell correctly. If I were you, I'd take this "500k" and use it to buy some professional art programs, art lessons, programming books, and pay some workers to help me with creating a game that will sell, but maybe not an MMO. If you're that set on starting big, at least go with an RPG.
  9. starcat

    starcat Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2010
    i said the site cost 500k i didnt say i had 500k.

    and spelling has nothing to do with having awesome ideas. having awesome ideas is how i put food on the damn table for me since i was 15. my awesome ideas made me well over 150k when i was 15. unfortunately that was 16 years ago and all that money is gone. i can make money at anything. just not that kind of money.

    if your not interested then dont respond. dont be a dick.
  10. starcat

    starcat Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2010
    i run 9 companies. all of wich earn me very minimal ammounts of money.

    i run a Goldselling website for warcraft. i earn a decent ammount with that, thats my primary buisness. all legit gold so i steal a lot of buisness from other people. plus my customers can actually call my phone or meet me on vent and talk to me so i rape other buisness' doing that.

    i used that money to become the Chairman of the world boffing League. if you dont know what Boffing is go to youtube and search.

    10 million people around the world do it and they all gotta come to me if they wanna compete. that launches sometime between tonight and a week from now depending on the programmer.

    here is the temp website untill it gets done

    im using the money from thAT site and my gold site to fund my Card game called Legacy wich i want to release to america sometime this year.

    using the money generated from that i will throw it into Epiphany games wich eventually will make games for Iphone. i got a few willing people but they wont work for royaltes so untill i get some money they wont work. wich is why i came here.

    any other money generated goes into my music site.
  11. Belthazzar

    Belthazzar Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2010
    What a bunch of greedy bastards!
    They want to be payed for their work.
  12. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gold selling and boffing? To be honest you do sound like the kind of guy that'd want to make an MMO... still looking at a ton of money though. Royalties are fine on small projects, but MMOs are about as big as games can get, the development costs are enormous.
  13. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    Posting something like that will immediately turn many people off. You have to be respectful. I gave you my honest opinion and some good advice and you called me a dick. Wow.
  14. My apologies. You are clearly a very cromulent & boffing businessman.

    I'm off now to see what boffing actually is!
  15. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Man, I know it's irresistible for some people to post in every thread but it's really killing the usefulness of this forum and the developer forum when everyone who posts looking for someone to help them with a project or looking for a project to join is interrogated by the usual suspects just posting for the sake of posting.

    If you don't believe Starcat, who cares, he'll either find people to help him out or he won't. Presumably those people will do some due diligence before signing on to the project.

    This seems to be the nasty side effect of losing Zandog who was maintaining the developer-only forum user group.
  16. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    well were not trying to be rude or anything! we just want to help the guy! I mean these forums are great, but people here really straighten you out! I made a thread like this, and MidianGTX and the crew basically told me the whole story! Sure maybe it wasn't the nicest way, but i learned....

    wait....were you joshing me you sly dog you!?!? :eek:
  17. spidey146

    spidey146 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    Firstly, maybe you should get a new mod to work on this section or get the existing mods to work in multiple places (if that's not what they already do).

    Secondly, is this an exception or an example: ?
  18. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    I've had a few different people complain to me about this, we're going to have to figure out a good way to get people in to the private forum without all the PM'ing and waiting there used to be so we can get that started up again.
  19. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    Oh jeessshhhh.....did you just start the LFT requests...perpare to get bombarded! ahahah jk...wait, what dont you just make the mods global?
  20. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Why not have several people doing it? It would spread the PMs out, lower waiting times, and allow them to have a cool group name.

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