I need some new games. Anything goes except for top 50 games, I have most of them. Any price, any style, any developer. Please give me at least 5 suggestions. Thanks.
Idk what your looking for, but these should appeal to everyone. Sentinel 2 Real Racing Rolando 2 Minigore (very very soon) Galcon Each is a different genre btw lol
I don't know if these are Top 50 or not, or if they used to be, but anyway . . . Puzzlings Isotope Must Eat Birds Poppi Flipn Monsters
+2 For Puzzlings and Isotope also, the games in my sig. Some of them are in the Top50 though. AND also Triazzle and iCombat(just got this one, really enjoyable)
Umm no. Obvious reasons. Thread starter, you need to give us genres you like, otherwise how can we provide suggestions? No matter how good a game is, if a person does not like the genre it will not appeal to him or her. Simple example; I think Rolando is one of the crappiest games out there, and some people will disagree since they like the genre.
I'll use this as an opportunity to shamelessly plug Karate Fighter (a remake of Kung Fu Master), which has recently been updated to 1.5. A free lite version is available. TA thread, including YouTube video, is available here
Im stuck in this same rut. I have most of the games that are more popular and some that are not, but I want more damnit, and it feels like they all disapeared, and I know thats not the case lol
Hello! We would love for you to check out our newest puzzle game perplexed. It's on sale now for $.99.. Thanks!
RanchRush - time management Run Run Sheep - puzzle :: chu chu rocket (dreamcast) like - highly recommend it Sea Captain , i find it better than harbor master, still a flight control clone except those all i have are in he top 50/100 ..
LOL let me list the game i like, dont know if they are on Top 50 Epic Pet Wars Epic Soldier Wars Fastlane Lite<-Cool racing games, free version only 2 lvl. Rollercoaster Bounce ON
Check out 30 and dirty heavymach ExZeus Caster Top Gun Rebel Onslaught Annihilation Arena Space Trader: Moon Madness Defend Your Castle HotField Face Fighter TaxiBall Sky Force Reloaded Distant Assassin 2 Mummys Revenge most of those are $0.99 too