Need help with NAT and opening ports

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by CassieTheChaoticCupcake, May 22, 2011.

  1. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    So I just downloaded Modern Warfare 2 for my PC, and when I go to play online, it says my NAT is set to Strict. I somehow got it set to Open last night, but recently the power went out and now it's set back to Strict again. How exactly do I get my NAT to be permanently set to Open? Please give me step-by-step instructions if you can.
    I've already established that I have to log into my router (Linksys Cisco). I logged in and there's all these settings options. UPnP is enabled and NAT is enabled. Now what? :(

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