Awesome help yet again Akoae. Much more satisfying to have all the levels done (even if it is with a bit of cheating with your help) Appreciate all your hard work. Now isn't it about time some more level packs were released!
Rat-12 (as promissed I wont write much this time, I hope you can figure it out with the web album posted. Only few pointers though 1) Need to unblock all the moveable tiles and after opening the doors, you will have enough road lenght. 2) MAJOR thing is: you can close the doors if you have 4 tiles in the upper zone and 3 tiles in the lower zone (they are enough to finish the puzzle) , as shown in the last screenshot. Good luck! P.S. I really hope it is understandable. As I mention in previous posts, I make sometime big leaps so the solution still stays as a brain teaser
Rat - 16 Here you go, not the whole solution, but I think all you really need are some pointers I guess you can easily reach the screenshot point. Now, all you have to do is to press button "4" to open the upper door in the lower right corner. Put the "curved" cubes on "2" and "3", and get all of the cubes out, starting with tapping the "cross" (it will port to the end left bottom corner). Following the opening doors, you will figure out how to press "4". After that, you only have to get them back the same way they were taken, but you MUST avoid pressing "1". On their way back, just make sure the "curved" ones go first and press "2" and "3" (they open "A" and "B") Hope it helped enough .
Rat - 17 Hi again Advanced , here are some tips. I think the most important thing is to swap places of A and B. It is kinda simple one: A ports, B goes to A's starting place, A ports back. Place the 2 "air" tiles next to switch "1", and u are half done . B-->1 and A presses the button under the opened door next to it, and just follow the flow . For the top corner - the curved one goes down and the "horizontal" to the left, so they switch positions.
i've seen the final layout for Level 6-12 but I have NO idea how to get the pieces in place on the bottom right area. can anyone lend a hand/directions? thanks.
Help I have 5 puzzles I'm seriously stuck.I need help with 6/8 and10. Also the mouse levels 6,10amd15 any help would be great! Thank you!
Rat-6, 10, 15 This link is for rat-6, you can easy free all of the 3 "air" tiles, and at the point of screen shot 2, you should use them to move the "horizontal" cube next to the other. This is for rat-10, I think the layout in the last screen shot will tell you most of the moves. Now, for Rat-15, in brief mode: A goes to left, opening doors and pressing 2, C-->1, B goes next to 2 (using the "air" tiles) and you switch the positions of A and B. Now A goes to the starting position of B, B-->3, C is free to go and finishes the puzzle (all the intermediate moves of air tiles I leave to you )
Hi Akoae, I have been through all levels by my own, except for this Rat-17 where I am definitively stuck. I fully agree with the objective of swapping A with B, but I don't see how you do this. I need a block to press on the B switch, so that the port gate remains open. I can port A (which is anyway the only valuable "opening" to me) but after that I can't move B to any interesting place since A can't come back after B has moved from its switch. Am I missing something that big !? Could you please detail your first moves, at least through a Privzte message ? Thanks a lot.
Detailed first moves for rat-17 You will be surprised how simple this move is . After you port A, tap on it, and it will use same teleport again. That's it . Or (if this way doesn't work) - start dragging it like you are about to move it, but place it at the starting point of dragging.