Still no help on 4 / 19 Haunted Halls? I've given up on this game if I can't get past this puzzle. Thing is, I really enjoyed it up to this point. I wish there were a way to skip a level.
The drain lane' 4/6 The 'drain lane' level 4/ no. 6 My friends & i have been at it for hours and we just can't crack it.... Does anyone have a screenshot?!? Please please!!
It's on the first page. Here's the screenshot. Also, here are some solutions to the new extra levels: Rabbit: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 24 Rat: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18
haunted halls 4/19 tried my best to explain all the steps. hopefully it will make sense. move the block from bottom left to top left and the top left to bottom left. move top right side [-]block to left side. move [-]block from bottom right to bottom left. move [|]block from top right to top left and place it on left bottom gate. move other [|]block from top right to top left. move [|] from bottom right to top right and them from top right to top left. now arrange them to finish.
Without giving the whole thing away, the trick with this one is to figure out a way to open all of the doors. Let me know if you need more help.
I had figured out how to open all the doors, but the rest had me stumped until I started fresh and finished it right away... Thanks anyhow...
Here's the solution to Rat:23, I'm posting it because I had no idea how to get one piece all the way to the right while still being able to get the others to the bottom. 1. Place all pieces like you see here. 2. Move the portable platforms to the top, and move the left-up corner piece through that trail of doors to the top of the puzzle. Screenshot 3. Move the left-up corner to the teleporter. Screenshot 4. Move the three portable platforms back to the starting point. Screenshot 5. Move the 4-way down to the bottom. Screenshot 6. Move the up-right corner to the bottom, and you're done. Screenshot
I knew the solution to Rat Level 10, but I cannot figure how to move piece from bottom right cornern and across under closed gate? Or open gate on top?
Need help on level 6. #15 (jack be quick) & #17 Quarks Help needed on Aqueduct level 6-15 & 6-17. Thanks