Luckily after I saw this thread I started taking screenshots of the "combination" ones! (anything with teleporters/switches, it's usually pretty clear what the solution is, if you could just get everything where it needs to be!) EDIT: The two I got stuck on the most are coming up, Capillaries and Twisted Island. I forgot to take shots of both of them >.< I was so happy I got them it slipped my mind, haha. But might be able to replicate them if anyone gets stuck. Twisted Island I remember pretty well. EDIT2: Scratch that, found the screenshots of those two =P I should frame them, carry one in my wallet.
I won't be home until Wednesday, but if no one has posted Capillaries at that time I will. I agree, I think that is the hardest of them all. Although right now I'm stuck on the final one, Quantum Therapy. There doesn't seem to be any possible way to slide things down the right side. But I'll get it eventually I'm sure. Oh, and iphoneprogrammer? That is one of the most unhelpful, self-serving comments ever. -Erin
Ha! And of course just as I posted this I got the requisite flash of inspiration. I was hoping for some more satisying ending though.
While I can not post a screenshot right now, the one thing I can say is that the entire left side (other than the upper left set) is completely unused. The solution travels from lower right, all the way to the top along the right side, then crosses to the left along the top. The lower three sets on the left are unused. - Erin
Wow, I really underestimated myself thinking about solving these levels... well here are the solutions to some I thought looked hard at first. Cascade [5/17], Sardines [5/18], Currency [6/2], Patience [6/5], Scrambled [6/8], Capillaries [6/11], Quarantine [6/12], Quicksand [6/13], Twisted Island [6/14]
level 6-17 quarks Alrite stuck again. I know there are only 3 pieces to move but I cannot figure out how to get them to the right place. I have tried everything I could think of but can't solve this level. I know screenshot is not gonna help on this but if someone can please tell me the steps or the order in which the blocks are supposed to be moved. Thanks in advance.
5 / 8 Coat Tails I need help on 5 / 8 Coat TailsÂ… If someone could upload a screenshot I would be very happy!!! Tanks.