Need help importing apps to new computer

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by K?!, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    I had an old iMac set up as my home computer. I now have a new macbook, and I want to transfer all my apps and data to itunes. However, if I try to sync my apps with iTunes, it tells me that it will wipe all the data from my iPod. Can I just make a backup of it and then restore from that? I have authorized my new computer, but only four apps downloaded. And I can use appbackup to backup all my apps, and TinyUmbrella can let me restore if anything goes wrong... but I'm hoping that there's something else I can do.
  2. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Have you tried copying your old iTunes folder into your new Mac? You can put it right in the Music folder in your user folder. Wen you start iTunes again, it should recognize the XML file and list all your media and apps. You should then be able to sync your iPod with the new machine.
  3. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    Thanks. I'll try that as soon as I can access my home computer.
  4. K?!

    K?! Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    alea iacta est
    I tried just replacing the folder containing my mobile applications but it didn't do anything. Do I have to copy my entire music folder? because it's ten GB and I can't transfer more than 4 GB at a time (in fact, my applications barely fit; no luck for you, Xenome!)

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