Bumper achievement I managed to get the Bumper achievement by choosing Cameron Dr and then Humdinger. I chose Grand Cherokee and put Reinforced Chassis and Power Pack as mods. The trick is to chrash all other opponents and before you hit finish line you just stop and go back and forth between the railings. Because all opponents is out you don't need to stress, just take the time you need!
Leaderboard I created a Google Doc Spreadsheet with separate sheets for each race. Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCH-lkQ3Si9dDhuRDFjcmRhcTNJUlI3aGtYX0YzNlE&usp=sharing It's open to the world to add your information for comparison. This way we can see where we all rank. Put your username, time/speed, car, mods, and device. I figured it would be nice to see how each of us race to see if we can find any hints. After we have a few entries we can go in and sort everything by time/speed and automatically rank everyone. It took me some time to figure out the best way to do this and I could certainly get more complicated for more features but I don't want to do that for something I don't think many people will even use. If you want, I can post my top 5 on my speedwall for more reference time/speed data. Add me on origin! Username: adamdbuhler See you at the top of your speedwall