Universal Need for Speed™ No Limits (by Electronic Arts)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    A respectable point!

    I also noticed today that (duh) there's a speedo at the bottom of the rev counter.

    Was that there yesterday?!?!
  2. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    I'll add that something A BIT WEIRD seems to've happened to takedowns.

    They're clearly still in there, as a (chuffing awesome) hangover from NFS: Wanted (or whatever it was that last came out).

    But they're no longer counted or useful (I think?! I thought I saw a bonus the first time I pulled one off) and they seem to be a bit of a glitch - on the handful of occasions I've pulled one off, I've been landed with some skittish slow-mo cutscenes of totally useless bits of the track with a car being smashed up, followed by a swift return to business as usual. With no in-game acknowledgment of why the cutscene has just happened.
  3. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Yeah theyre really glitchy. Theyve been like that since the very beginning of soft launch too. Maybe they just added it in and forgot about them
  4. Hippida

    Hippida Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    Hi :)

    I actually thought the tournament was against other racers, or perhaps their ghost runs ? Well, I like this game, havent invested more then I can easely turn my back on, but I do hope they make some corrections, cuz that sure is needed. At lvl 31 I find that most nothing incomewise is scaling with level, and even with 3star cars, they still want more of those common parts^^ Darnit, my garage is full of greens to purples, and I may be able to use em some time in novemer or smthn. Anyway, thats my rant about No Limits, what an oxymoron, cuz scaling up, most all you meet is limits.
    I'll prob be throwing away my precious fuel redoing races even my Fiesta can win, driving in reverse, Juust to get me parts

    Try closing on lvl 30, and you'll need multiple refuels bordering on insanity, rarer cars will recuire 3+ fuel a race in the series.
    I might've overdone it when I started as I own 8 cars, focusing on 4 of em, and getting parts and blueprints is maddening. Not to mention, the cash and gold rewards does NOT scale with level. This game is odd in so many ways. If it wasent for the tournaments I could prob just play 1-2h a day.

    Try drifting through multi hairpin turns while avoiding dmg to your car, tailgating your opponents for nitro. This game with several 1min+ tracks takes skills to master, tho I feel like A8 has less of a "train on track" feeling, but then again, A8 has other qualities that seperate these 2 games

    lvl 31 me self, and nothing keeps up with the leveling, not gold,cash,refills etc. The one thing keeping me at 1h+ sessions atm is the tournaments. On the other side, I'm kind of happy this game requires me to take brakes.

    This is my one big agony atm. Garage full of parts, and 3 star cars still wanting more grey components, and 2-3 at a time even, while on the other side, I can install a rare(blue) part, as long as its 3 stars minimum ofc

    Yeah, almost seemed purposly to have that sale. It was a great car to get a jump start with, but lately I find my self using the Fiesta, Golf and Challenger mostly

    IMHO I've found the tourny to be the best test of my skills. Racing cars withing 50 pts of my own, I find I choose Golfs to race with, as it seems like the Subaru has a somewhat higher baseline top speed, even at 80 below my rank, I need a mostly perfect run without any major mistakes to hold em of. Tailgating is also a nice skill to practice during this tourney

    At that price, 1500gold a month, to me it was a no brainer, and I love getting those extra 50 a day
  5. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Anyone else flipped their car over yet?
  6. Jmartinez41

    Jmartinez41 Member

    Sep 19, 2014
    I've been having interesting races today. I'm wondering if they did a server side update. My races have been having oncoming cars (something I've seen people asking about) and I even had a race where my opponent totaled himself because of them:p
  7. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    If I had to guess why the player time at keeps catching up on straight a ways during the tournament, as a real racing 3 player I'm pretty sure it's the exact thing we have over in rr3 land. The ai slows and takes the 'safe' approach to every turn causing it to lose speed and because your racing a fixed time scored by another player the ai catches up on the straightaways.

    We've been dealing with it for a year or two now over in rr3 land.
  8. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Lol yeah and it takes forever to reset. Happened to me twice. Idk how it happened the first time, i guess I was going too fast and I hit a curb in a weird way causing me to go flying and flip

    Some races have oncomming traffic and others dont
  9. Lord XIII

    Lord XIII Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Big post incoming!

    So far, I'm enjoying this game. It's not the so-called "Underground successor" but it's still a good way to waste time... if you have access to the internet that is. A shame it requires you to be connected.
    Another thing about the game is that it's not for long playing sessions. You're forced to take a break every so often but it's not as frustrating since the fuel for the different modes are handled separately. Plus, you get to breathe more.
    (If you read this part, prepare for some NaCl) And finally, although the game loves to ramp up the difficulty, it doesn't shove the IAPs in your face, since everything is available (with a bit of luck) and you can get gold quite easily with the daily challenges, UNLIKE SOME OTHER GAME! (/saltyrant)

    On another note, anyone who had the opportunity to play on the soft launch version linked their account to the new version of the game? I was really surprised and amused by the result ;)

    Thirdly, what is your play style? By that, I mean: how do you handle your races and purchases? I usually try to grind the races I already won should it be able to give me the stuff I need, and I try to keep a certain amount of cash and gold in store for optimizing parts and for a pinch.

    Finally, hello to the new faces and the guys I met on the A8 forum :D
  10. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015

    Takedown bonarse *uffishalz* :D

    Attached Files:

  11. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Happened twice, consecutively, to me in a Mazda time trial. Both times flipping me on my side, and completely shafting my run.

    Four petrol down the drain! Not happy.
  12. 2hvy4grvty

    2hvy4grvty Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    #352 2hvy4grvty, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
    Anyone know how "new" crate blueprints are unlocked? Is it based on level or on underground story prgression? The crates have been showing the same carrera, m3, and rx7 for me since forever. When do the M4s and Ferraris start showing up?
  13. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Ive stopped unlocking new crate stuff since I hit 40. I think we're going to have to unlock them manually through the underground races/events/tournaments.
  14. 2hvy4grvty

    2hvy4grvty Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Which ones have you unlocked?
  15. Hippida

    Hippida Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    Ohh yeah, flipped it in every and any concivable way, even landed backwards and on the roof ^^

    Yeah, the way AI drives, its to me the most challening AI I've played against in a mobile racing game. In these ending hours of the tournament, I find my self having to draw out any and all dirty trick to beat em, but I've been learning drafting( not sure its the right word, but its when you stay close behind opponents cars for nitro and a bit more speed)so to overtake em when getting on their bumper, even bumping opponent into walls.
    Wanna master No Limits, drive like Hell, be real nasty and use any and all tricks

    Hello from A8 forums, tho not been active there for a while, as A8 is bordering on insanity, as its play 6h for cash, or buying it as everything new is like 2-4m just to MAX.

    As for playstyle, I think I started kind of stupid as I've got like 9 cars now, played series and underground to the limit, finding it very hard to find most any material, almost no parts anymore, and find my self stuck at lvl 32. I used to pay 20k for regular crates, but now saving 100-200k at a time to buy usefull parts on black market.
    For materials, I keep redoing underground races and same with series, but 10 fuel lasts for 10 min, then I usually have to put the game aside, unless I got some tickets for tournys
  16. RyanSkotw

    RyanSkotw Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2015
    Im official stuck at the chap 5 or 6 already, my best car atm is the subaru and its not very good for underground atm. However Im 22/25 blueprint for the Viper already, hope I can proceed on underground with her ;)
  17. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    I have hit a definite enjoyment wall, late level 20s (currently l31, with spiralling levels of tedium).

    Cars need more complex parts for upgrading means more storage means more re-running races for zero xp, no new blueprints realistically on the horizon, have hit the "freewall" in Snoop's challenge.

    It's all heading towards a meh-filled grindfest.
  18. Hippida

    Hippida Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2014

    Yeah, seems like I'm stuck at about your lvl aswell. Plenty of materials, but no modules need em, and I dont even know what materials I can discard....
  19. Lord XIII

    Lord XIII Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    #359 Lord XIII, Oct 10, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
    I guess one way of "discarding" the materials is by using them on spare parts, and eventually grinding for conversion kits.

    About the Snoop Dogg event, while I've used quite a bit of my gold (too much for my liking), I never really felt like I hit a "freewall" up until now. However, I did do the silly mistake of using a material that's not available on races, thinking they wouldn't give me a better part. So, don't waste materials on parts that aren't rare, unless necessary or these are able to be grinded.

    EDIT: Also, I'm being a bit paranoid, but I'm saving the prototype parts I upgraded. Any chance they will be given to you once the event is over?
  20. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    I assume prototype parts can only be used on prototype cars. I see snoop dogg is back in the challenge next week - I'm wondering if he'll loan us the car we've built up, or a blank sheet. (The latter clearly has more f2p / p2w potential). If the latter, then your strategy is win.

    Wrt parts management... Yuck.

    Just upgraded to a blue street engine, and discovered my first chance (I guess) to use a green intake. "Five available." That's been doing me wonders, then :D

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