Need design/artwork for Space Quest RPG game for iPhone

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by ivan_m, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. ivan_m

    ivan_m Active Member

    #1 ivan_m, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2010
    We are in search of professional experienced designer (freelancer) to work remotely on the game project. We need a person who has past experience in developing games for iPhone (preferably quest/RPG style) and able to create exceptional stylish characters, items and locations, as well as create Game UI/control interface and auxilliary screens.
    Locations will include alien planets and solar systems, alien structures, space ships etc.
    Characters will include three playable non-humanoid species.
    Game items will be space ships, weapons, icons, etc.
    All artwork will be 2D.

    We expect some serious sci-fi style, or maybe stylish retro cartoon style a-la SpaceQuest, but please do not offer silly Teletube or Transformers etc.

    I hope we can afford some decent budget for this project, but we will possibly not be able to afford AAA-class designer full-time work.

    We will provide you detailed SRS along with textual description of all characters, scenes and locations.

    We will be selecting among offers based on designer's portfolio, requested budget, calendar terms and results of performing test task which will be to render space ship model (2D) based on concept we provide.

    A brief list of required items:
    1)Map of galaxy clusters (320*480) – 1pcs;
    2)Galaxy map (640*960) – 6pcs;
    3)Characters. There are 3 playable non-humanoid species. We will need for each species:
    1.Male/Female full-size images (320*240) – a total of 6;
    2.4 portraits (120*150) – a total of 12;
    3.Means to personalize each character: interchangeable clothes, headpieces, finery, etc;
    4.Weapons: 5-7 pieces for each species;
    4)Space ships: a total of 11 items of different physical and pixel size at the moment. (More details later);
    5)Game items (icons): items to trade etc (50*50) – a total of 120-150 pcs;
    6)Game interface and controls – up to 20 game screens;
    7)Planet backgrounds: for each species we will need 3 planet backgrounds for some 3 levels of development (agricultural, technological, space age) - a total of 9 pcs;

    If you're interested in bidding for this project, please provide a bid in the form:
    anticipated cost in USD based on brief description above;
    anticipated development time (calendar days/months);
    a link to your portfolio;

    Please reply to [email protected] with a subject “RPG Design”.

    Thank you and best regards,

    Ivan Misuno,
    Gyrus Solutions

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