Yea, but the Zenonia developers are working on their next RPG for the iphone/itouch, and i cant wait. Underworlds is pretty good especially with the upcoming update.
not final fantasy buy the world ends with you for ds but id recomend a psp and ff7 crisis core plus now the original ff7 on psn
If you are overly concerned about graphics you're not going to find too much in terms of RPGs, Zenonia pretty much is the only iDevice RPG with much going for it in that department. You could wait tell Gamevil's next game, a 2D sidescrolling action RPG thing (called Hybrid something or other), or Chillingo's "SEED" which looks similar to Zenonia. Otherwise, I recommend being flexible on the graphics and looking into Vay or Arvale, or looking to another platform to satisfy your RPG needs, because the iDevices really aren't getting many good ones (other than Zenonia of course).
My advice (for what it's worth) is put your penchant for good graphics aside and get Rogue Touch. Be forewarned though, this game takes no prisoners. Be prepared NEVER to win...
The Quest & Rogue Touch These two games are the best RPGs I've found. I bought Underworlds, but found the linear story extremely boring. The Quest and Rogue Touch are never boring.