Go for it and you have a good chance to get an elite I got the elite Anthony Davis in a pack I got as an achievement during season play. I got a reward for playing a game with all gold starting 5 and from there it just got better.
50,000 coin packs and I got one from a season achievement for starting 5 gold players they gave me a pack and it had an elite. But those 50,000 coin packs are where it's at By the way I still haven't found a card that has the special abilities yet. My elite did not have a special ability. they are apparently very rare!
I would also reccomend doing the player exchanges. I always take my silver players and exchange them for a gold believe it's 5 silver players gets you a gold and it's worth it. It's under sets. Pretty sure this is correct presently there are 15 throwback players and they can only be obtained from packs (50,000) is your best chance. Or of course bought in the auction for a big price. The melo someone was selling for 600,000 just sold but mine priced 400,000 hasnt yet, go figure. Also I'm thinking hard about it now should I buy lebron or should I buy as many 50,000 packs as I can because chances are I could land him and more in the packs or if nothing else another rare that goes for way more and then buy lebron haha it's making me think really hard. Good problem to have.
I just got an item It's the red elite color and it's a Daryl Dawkins throwback jersey from the dunk contest not sure what it's worth or anything.putting up for 50,000 and buy now 80,000 see what happens since I have seen some elite collectibles priced around that but this one I didn't see in the auction anywhere.
It's worth it but I have also got them and it been two golds worth about 10,000 a piece so it is hit and miss but if you want the rare ones without spending 100,000 plus coins or real money it's the only way. Logically the packs are always better than buying the players on auction unless you are trying to build a specific team like if i wanted to get all the nets players for example. I don't even consider buying anything but the 50s and I will save I don't mind. Seems like everytime I put melo up someone else comes along and puts him up a little bit cheaper than me. It's getting old
The 50k packs haven't been kind to me. I saved up and bought two. Four gold players ranging from 73 to 75 :/ But I did manage to get my dream bulls team up and running (Rose, Noah, Taj, Dunleavy) so I'm happy. Just wish butler was a bit more affordable (or atleast had a cheaper gold version). I love how generous the game has been so far but I'm finally running out of achievements, so my income source is kinda lagging now. Anyone know how to get the impact players? For Derrick Rose Impact, it says I need 15 bulls players, 15 elite trophies, and a red derrick rose. Is that red derrick rose an elite card? Haven't seen one floating around in the auction house.
Ya, that's it. You haven't seen any because they're extremely hard to get, hardly worth all you have to buy to get it.
Very rare I got two more 50k packs and I did get Aldridge from Spurs and he's going for more than the pack cost at least The expecting to get a rare again on packs might have been my mistake should've just bought a rare player w the coins and held on to it a min I have about 100,000 coins worth of players up on market right now What I'm gonna prolly do is just hold on to that for a few days Remember the sets trade 5 silver players for a gold lately that gold has been better than what I'm getting from packs but it's always gonna be hit and miss or luck of the draw You can only get 8 of the 50k packs but they change every few days so I may wait for the next set I got all 8 packs so good thing is I can't buy anymore 50k packs for a couple days which Will entice me to save for next time around
Should've just kept my rare card at least ended up getting a better pf and c out of the deal In the end I didn't get enough to get lebron but I was close Like being at a casino winning and playing back your winnings and leaving with what you came with ha And I still have some hope I've got over 52,000 coins and can get one 50k pack right off when it changes on 22nd
four slam dunk packs opened now. Still 0 elites. Did get an 81 gold on the last one, but the other 7 golds have been <76. Ah well, win some; lose some.
1 Slam Dunk pack got me 2 crappy gold, <76 each selling for $4000 a piece in the auction right now. That hurts...
Overnight the auditions prices dropped big time! Yesterday you could get a lot more for your gold cards today not at all I did manage to get one right now that's going for 25,000
It'll only continue to get worse as the market gets saturated with gold cards. At the rate it's going, buying packs won't even be worthwhile anymore.
Got a 2012 Noah throwback He will be my starting center for a while Like the way he plays I'm back up to 80,000 coins