NBA 2k18?

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by _mean.13, Jun 24, 2017.

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  1. _mean.13

    _mean.13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2014
    #1 _mean.13, Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
    Hey Guys! I'm not a game developer nor do I work for 2k but I am a huge fan :). I posted a tread two years ago about 2k16 and my curiosity of the game's release on ios. I was very surprised on how successful and relevant the thread was to alot of you guys. As much as i'd like to say 2k18 is likely to come out on ios devices this year i'm not so sure once again. Just like 2k16 there's literally no released or leaked info on the release date. Now I know what you're thinking because they do this every year and they end up releasing the games but that's the scariest thing about the whole situation. It's never a confirmed project from the beginning it's basically a last minute choice and they can stop releasing whenever their hands are too tied together with other projects. Hopefully i'm overthinking the whole thing and we will be able to get our hands on a NBA2k game on ios this year.

    If we do what are your ideas on new game modes? I would love to see an association/MyLeague mode on mobile. Please comment and leave thoughts:)
  2. Admiral Bison

    Admiral Bison Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2016
    Not trying to detract or anything, but you know that there is NBA 2K17 on iOS right?
    It's very good (especially with a Gamevice MFI controller - I can't state how good it feels to play games like this on a huge ipad and controller)

    I wouldn't mind seeing NBA 2K18, and am hoping that 2K17 made enough money to justify developing the following iteration, thought how different also would it be other then stat and roster updates and some improved audio/visuals.

    Perhaps skipping every couple of years or alternating it every year with something like NFL2K 18, NHL 2K 19, NBA 2k20 etc would be pretty good and offer dlc packages to keep the games fresh until the next iteration rolls out.
  3. Jballout

    Jballout New Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Let seasons continue

    I agree with everything your saying but I hope they allow you to continue to advance to the next seasons in season mode so it makes it interesting and they should make my career more fun ##
  4. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I get this game every season seeing as it's the only real sports game that includes season/career modes
    and every year around this time I start wondering when it will come out usually don't hear anything then it drops close to same time as console version... I still believe there will be NBA 2K18 on mobile and when it does I will drop my money
    so sad that after Fifa 14 they quit having a proper career mode now it's not even a proper sports title at all same with Madden on mobile so this is it the one game that still plays like it's console brother, cheers
  5. And_75

    And_75 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2009
    It will be released. There is no reason to stop releasing it, it's aways high among the top grossing game on iOS. they make money out of it

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