Hi everyone, We are working on a project of a game for more than a year and the download for BETA TESTERS are ready. We need your help to improve the gaming experience. Feedback player in the early stages is critical for us developers. Knowing things like, you can understand what should be done? Can you do? or This is fun? So in the download will have a notepad with Google Forms link for better result of Feedback. The names of people who can help testing and answering the questionnaire will have their names in game credits. Download Link: http://www.indiedb.com/games/native-doom/downloads/native-doom-beta-demo Thanks IndieDB: www.indiedb.com/games/native-doom Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/nativedoom
Hello, it's a game for windows for now, but we're studying to export to consoles. And maybe even for mobile, we're still at the beginning but I believe it's possible
For people who really enjoy games, we've just launched an article about the evolution of Native Doom, brand and display (HUD) features have been completely revamped, check out: http://www.indiedb.com/games/native-doom/news/hud-special-itens
Update 005 Hey,new updates for Native Doom http://www.indiedb.com/games/native-doom/news/native-doom-dev-update-005-new-characters