Namaste Space Buffalo is the only timing puzzle game that induces zen. Play as the mythical flock of spuffalos who cruise the galaxy in search of ultimate enlightenment. Journey through 100 levels in 20 weird worlds to achieve ultimate understanding, bruh! - Explore 100 levels across 20 weird worlds! - Transform your spuffalo to plow through obstacles! - 100s of zen quotes to change your entire life! Reviews: "The greatest victory is that which does not require public transportation." - Barack Obama "Can you hear wind?" - Jayden Smith "Mayonnaise is just frosting for sandwiches."- Gary Busey Download Download
Just sharing our Camden, NJ level. They're huge special gifs so I can only link them. Enjoy!
Some of the post level wisdom from the Spuffalo! There are 100s of incredibly dumb quotes in the game, we had to try really hard and drink a lot of turpentine to get them.
Namaste Space Buffalo 1.1 should be out and ready in the next couple days. We've added 10 new ULTRA hard levels for free in this build. Check the video out and enjoy our terrible commentary!
We've just finished development on a set of 10 new ultra hard maps! This will be another free update. We'll be submitting it Friday! We'll have a video up showcasing the new levels on Wednesday. They're utterly and totally painful.
We just put up a demo version of the game. If you want to try the first 2 worlds now is your chance! Namaste Space Buffalo Demo
Namaste Space Buffalo is Half Off Today for our Birthday! Look how psyched Jesus is about it: Google Play