Link: Mythion Adventures Mythion Games, LLC GREETINGS ADVENTURER! Welcome to Mythion Adventures, a text adventure you can brave alone or with up to two other frien… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsGREETINGS ADVENTURER! Welcome to Mythion Adventures, a text adventure you can brave alone or with up to two other friends set in a hand-crafted fantasy world designed by a small team of passionate writers, worldbuilders, and developers. MULTIPLAYER Delve into the world of Aulain with the help of your friends and tackle the strange and dangerous challenges that lie ahead. Together, you and your friends will guide a party of intrepid adventurers as they uncover the dark past and looming future of a frontier known as the Grieving Moor. EXPLORE, COLLECT, UNRAVEL Through your exploration of the adventures, you'll meet intriguing characters, encounter fantastic creatures, discover curious collectibles, and read enticing stories, each giving you deeper insight into the lore and world of Aulain. NO ADS, NO COINS, ONLY ADVENTURE We hate ads too. That's why there aren't any. The entirety of Adventure 1 is available for free. Explore the adventure, uncover the collectibles, and read the stories that set up the events of Cinderbeard's Mine. After that, for the price of a single paperback book, you will unlock 9 other adventures and 18 more short stories, each shedding more light on the dark events of the Grieving Moor, past and future. Every purchase allows us to continue doing what we love most, building and expanding the world of Aulain so that we can get more adventure straight into the hands of our players; that's you! HAPPY ADVENTURING! Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: Information Seller:Mythion Games, LLC Genre:Adventure, Role Playing Release:Jul 16, 2020 Updated:Aug 04, 2021 Version:1.4.15 Size:44.3 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member Feb 20, 2015 972 143 43 #2 ShinHadoukin, Jul 23, 2020 I cannot name a time my phone number was needed go create an account for a game. It is obviously a mobile game so maybe I’m crazy. Anyone have knowledge on this? psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #3 psj3809, Jul 23, 2020 Dont normally read these things but don’t like the sound of it. Basically selling your data to others... like you say I’ve never been asked to give my number before. Not touching this with a barge pole Jstorm Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2020 1,082 474 83 Male Employed Earth #4 Jstorm, Jul 23, 2020 Last edited: Jul 23, 2020 Actually the page gives me some confidence that the company considered its personal data policy with a GDPR specialist. First off, as long as you are connected to the internet, you are bound to have your personal info collected and shared with data analysis companies. Do you use a web browser? It’s collecting info from you to be analyzed by third party companies. I believe you noticed that ads on websites change based on what you searched on a search engine. Do you use SNS? They are collecting and sharing even more personal data from you that will make you burn your PC/mobile devices if the statement in the page makes you stay away from this game. As far as I understand from their data policy page, the company is doing nothing special. You should also know that with the company complying with GDPR, you always hold the right to request deletion of whatever data they collected from you. MythionGames New Member Aug 13, 2020 1 0 1 Game Development Studio Arizona #5 MythionGames, Aug 13, 2020 Hey Toucharcade, we are Mythion Games, the team behind Mythion Adventures. We just discovered your post and wanted to thank you all for checking us out! We just wanted to address some of the issues brought up by @ShinHadoukin and @psj3809. When we were initially designing the signup process, we were looking for ways to keep the setup time and bother to a minimum. Obviously the solution we settled on initially was via Phone Number, but we saw quickly after release that was a mistake on our part. As soon as we could we removed the phone number requirement, and now have account setup done via email, which does not need to be verified if users don't wish to. As @Jstorm mentioned, you have the right to have any data we may have collected through the account creation and gameplay process deleted. If you feel the need to, anyone can reach out with comments, questions, or concerns to [email protected]. Hopefully this clears up some concerns people may have had, regardless we are grateful for all the feedback we can get, so thank you! We just released our first post-launch content, which includes a our seventh short story "Dark Tidings", our fourth Adventure "Beneath the Waves", and next week we will be following up with our eighth short story. Hopefully this sheds some light on things behind the scenes, and maybe you'll give us a second chance. Cheers! ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member Feb 20, 2015 972 143 43 #6 ShinHadoukin, Aug 14, 2020 I checked in again after I learned (maybe this thread) that the phone number thing changed & logged in. Thanks for responding to us. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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I cannot name a time my phone number was needed go create an account for a game. It is obviously a mobile game so maybe I’m crazy. Anyone have knowledge on this?
Dont normally read these things but don’t like the sound of it. Basically selling your data to others... like you say I’ve never been asked to give my number before. Not touching this with a barge pole
Actually the page gives me some confidence that the company considered its personal data policy with a GDPR specialist. First off, as long as you are connected to the internet, you are bound to have your personal info collected and shared with data analysis companies. Do you use a web browser? It’s collecting info from you to be analyzed by third party companies. I believe you noticed that ads on websites change based on what you searched on a search engine. Do you use SNS? They are collecting and sharing even more personal data from you that will make you burn your PC/mobile devices if the statement in the page makes you stay away from this game. As far as I understand from their data policy page, the company is doing nothing special. You should also know that with the company complying with GDPR, you always hold the right to request deletion of whatever data they collected from you.
Hey Toucharcade, we are Mythion Games, the team behind Mythion Adventures. We just discovered your post and wanted to thank you all for checking us out! We just wanted to address some of the issues brought up by @ShinHadoukin and @psj3809. When we were initially designing the signup process, we were looking for ways to keep the setup time and bother to a minimum. Obviously the solution we settled on initially was via Phone Number, but we saw quickly after release that was a mistake on our part. As soon as we could we removed the phone number requirement, and now have account setup done via email, which does not need to be verified if users don't wish to. As @Jstorm mentioned, you have the right to have any data we may have collected through the account creation and gameplay process deleted. If you feel the need to, anyone can reach out with comments, questions, or concerns to [email protected]. Hopefully this clears up some concerns people may have had, regardless we are grateful for all the feedback we can get, so thank you! We just released our first post-launch content, which includes a our seventh short story "Dark Tidings", our fourth Adventure "Beneath the Waves", and next week we will be following up with our eighth short story. Hopefully this sheds some light on things behind the scenes, and maybe you'll give us a second chance. Cheers!
I checked in again after I learned (maybe this thread) that the phone number thing changed & logged in. Thanks for responding to us.