You don't have to be a HUGE tool about it. They worked really hard on this game and put a lot of effort into it over the course of 5 years and made it free for ungrateful people such as yourself to play, as an added bonus. The google play reviews do not lie, it is a well liked game. So it is more likely an issue with you. The story does make sense. For people who speak English as a second (or other) language, the dialogue is fine (do you even speak a second language??) Seems you could work on your English, if we are pointing fingers. The currency and stamina meters are super easy to understand, maybe look at yourself instead of blaming the game. The game is not laggy at all, perhaps your device is at fault, ever think of that? This game is superior to Zenonia in every way. Along with the many other 4 and 5 star reviews, I would recommend people download this game. Finally, I would like to see you make a game. Maybe become a developer before offering such judgmental critiques while offering ZERO solutions or ideas on how to improve, because you sound like you would be unable to make a game yourself. Very shallow analysis of the game with no constructive criticism, shame on you. I, at least, have the common courtesy to thank others for making their efforts free even in cases when I do not like the game. So, to the people who made this game, thank you for your effort! 4 out of 5 star effort, ignore the haters with nothing of substance to say!
<snipped> +1 Well said that person. And because of your passionate response I'm going to DL this and have a go. #
cant access ignit quest jopil666 New Member Sep 27, 2017 2 0 0 #46 jopil666, Sep 27, 2017 still cant access ignit quest ! ! ! ! ! ! ! damn i worked hard for this.. panfried Well-Known Member Oct 2, 2013 101 1 18 #47 panfried, Sep 29, 2017 You need to buy it, it says so when trying to select it. You can play as Ray or Kainen at any time but be warned there are parts where they split up and each have a boss to fight, so don't have one vastly underleveled. xxNeferpitouxx New Member Oct 8, 2017 1 0 0 #48 xxNeferpitouxx, Oct 8, 2017 Secondary World Monster Hey, Pan. What level were you when you defeated the monster? I'm currently at 41 but I'm having difficulty killing it. I killed it once but can't kill it the second time. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
You need to buy it, it says so when trying to select it. You can play as Ray or Kainen at any time but be warned there are parts where they split up and each have a boss to fight, so don't have one vastly underleveled.
Secondary World Monster Hey, Pan. What level were you when you defeated the monster? I'm currently at 41 but I'm having difficulty killing it. I killed it once but can't kill it the second time.