Hey all - There is now a "DOJO LIST" at www.awesodojo.com/dojos/ Dojo masters can submit their dojo information and codes to be listed! You will see AwesoDojo on there =) CODE: FDEIJHFE get awesome!
Join 'Ninjaz Lair' Snake dojo Please join my new dojo 'Ninjaz Lair' (Snake dojo) you will get these bonuses: - double exp for 2 days - the usual extra master arena - If you already created a bear or cat dojo of your own you will also gain the Snake dojo ability 'Viper attack' Thanks for supporting my new dojo!!! I'm really loving the game and would be happy to chat to you about it !! EDIT: code is DEFEBIFE .. type it in when it asks you if you have a master and say yes thanks!
Please join the AKATSUKI. Dojo - EFGBHHFE. For all the Naruto fans! A few of my brutes got bears in early levels (before 10) so hope this luck will pass on to you! Thanks.
If you become my pupil it will give you double exp for 3 days, a master arena, and bear power. My code is: GDBCCIFE E-mail me your codes at [email protected] and I will become your pupil, help you level up, and get more pupils!
Killersoflove come join new up and coming dojo killersoflove Snake DoJo gain fast striking abilities Enjoy the following EXCLUSIVE benefits: ---- Bonus experience points for 3 days ----- Special powers, all the better to crush your opponents with! (Killer SPEED!!) ----- An exclusive arena for taking on your opponents. There's NO BS like other post promising false lies, join and then e mail ([email protected])me so we can start a good community of fighters!!! I have many friends joining now trying to start a legit DoJo, I will help you find pupils for your dojos if your having trouble yourself!!! The secret code is:AAFECIFE
Flying Tigers BDHBCIFE Join the Flying Tigers. BDHBCIFE All these other guys will tell ya you get all the coolest items in the world for joining them they lie! lol I need members like everyone else so i can unlock the rest of my brute slots. these guys that want 1000s of members are just are retarded and get off on it . Join me if for no other reason that im honest you get the same stuff here as there. I have a bear dojo so if your a snake or wolf you will get bear power (damage add) if your a bear you will get bear cub skin( damage reduction) the masters dojo arena and times 3 exp for 3 days so join up BDHBCIFE
So you're looking for a Master Code to add? But don't really know which Master Code to choose because everyone is claiming they will give you better weapons, powers, and pets right? Don't believe it, the only thing that is true is that your first brute will level up 2x faster the first week you fight! Everyone needs to open their own dojo in order to use more Brutes and unlock gifts. The only difference between which Master Code you choose is that it's either known or unknown. I'll leave the choice up to you, come join C0BRA KAI Dojo/Master Code: HIAIGHFE or join a non-reputable dojo, we just need your help to take the number 1 spot in the Pantheon of Brutes, be apart of the transition! If these AZK pupils represent the Top 5 in the Pantheon of Brutes, I'm embarrassed for them! CPT COBRA defeats them with a 32 level difference which means that the AZK dojo has a weak training system. "Who's next?" Come join C0BRA KAI Dojo/Master Code: H I A I G H F E If you want to be apart of the transition of power from AZK to C0BRA KAI, join us now, we need more pupils!!! What are you waiting for? We need you! C0BRA KAI Dojo/Master Code: H I A I G H F E
Master of masters If you join my dojo and allow me the privilege of getting new pupils, i will, in return, give you 1 of 2 exclusive arenas, either bear skin( +2 strength/"defense and attack")or Viper Attack(+2 speed and +50% likeliness to attack immediately after your opponent attacks you-a minimum of two attacks per turn for the user) depending on your current type of animal, vitality(extreme amount of Health) brute strength(extreme strength) or feline agility(Great speed AND agility), a sword, sai(aka- ninja pitchfork), or spear.(You must have or get at a later time, one pupil to recieve one of these 3 weapons) Plus i will do my best to keep all pupils posted on future oppurtunities of free or easy items. So if you want all of this, do me a favor and join Dojo Musicica! JUST ADD MASTER CODE: J E E J C I F E
I'm telling the truth! Don't believe what everyone is saying, they have no control of what weapons or arenas you get, they might have let's say a apear, but that doesn't mean you'll get one as soon as you make them your master(you get different weapons at random not by your master) only if the maaster has a jailbroken APP (not iPod, APP) like me can you choose how you recieve weapons, skills, arenas, and stats. Join me, then contact me and I'll tell you how to jailbreak this solo app, or recieve weapons of your choice while leveling up. Add J-E-E-J-C-I-F-E and I promise I'll actually tell you how to control the MyBrute world,so join and I'll tell you everything and more on Feint chat (chat on mybrute)