Never mind... Silly GameLoft and its connectivity issues. Might as well repeat my add me if you didn't see it: GL: xpink_rabbitx (I will gift and visit your town and drop the treasure chest. GameLoft connectivity issues permitting of course...) I also have a less used account, GL: pinkemina (I will do my best to gift all who add this one but again it's my less used account so I make no promises)
Silly Gameloft Sorry to everyone who added me/I added but I haven't been able to send gifts and treasures. Majority of the people I added only appear in my invites window as well Sent a support ticket to gameloft about this, hopefully gets fixed for all of us. Thanks to those who sent me gifts and treasure chests as well. Username: wafflykun
I'm stuck with my only active mission being to welcome Scootaloo. That takes 50 hearts but I only have 29. I have plenty of in-game friends. If everyone just went to the Social area and clicked Gift All once each day, I'd probably get the hearts I needed in only one or two days! I realize that gifting chests is painfully slow and way more difficult than it should be, but going to the Social area and clicking Gift All takes less than 30 seconds. Please, please, please everypony!
Confused I've probably sent friend requests to like 100 ppl and I only have 25 hearts. I'm not sure how else to get hearts. Is there any other way to get them? I'd appreciate some help, thank you Please add me as well heidigirl
In the game on your friends list when you click on a friend there are two buttons. If you click the gift button it gives the one heart in their inbox. If you click the other button with a house to visit their town and drop a treasure chest that leaves another heart in their village. Of course that is if the game doesn't glitch out on you when trying to visit the town. I know it gives two because I was somehow able to connect my two accounts and when the connection works and I do both buttons the other account receives two hearts. (Or who knows perhaps this is a current glitch with all the other issues, the biggest being that only 10% of a players GameLoft friends are showing in the MLP game) I am doing my best to do both actions to each brony on my friends list on my main account in the game. Sometimes it can't connect to do the visit, or a brony on my list disappears. Good luck getting your heart gems up, I am doing the same. And again, anyone browsing add me if you haven't: xpink_rabbitx (main account) And/or pinkemina
First I want to thank everyone that is actually trying to gift everyone. I know it's not easy since I try at least once a day to do both vists and gifts. I've noticed that quite a few people show up as "invited" but don't become friends. For a few days, MLP didn't even show up in my games list in GL Live. Argh! I was able to get Scootaloo finally, so that's a step in the right direction. Keep with it everyone, you'll get the hearts eventually. But they do come much slower than they would if the servers weren't giving us all a hard time. Again, my ID is: Kuipo
Update: I'm now only 4 hearts away from getting Scootaloo. So thanks everypony! I'm sure I'll get those last four hearts very soon. Question though... I currently have 146 GL friends. (I started with 5 from a previous game, so nearly all of them are from MLP.) I saw in the game that we get 1 heart for every friend we add. That's in addition to gifts and treasure chests. My question is that over 100 of my friends continue to be listed as "invited" instead of actually showing up as friends. Clearly they all had to accept my friend request (or I accepted theirs) because they show up as friends in GL Live. So why are they only listed as invited? Is everyone else dealing with this same issue? I'm just imagining how nice it would have been to have those 140 hearts in addition to everypony's generous gifts and chests... *sigh*