In the MLP game tap on the scroll in the upper right hand corner. Near the bottom is a GameLoft icon GL Live! Click it. In the GL Live! There's a friends tab. If you go there, you will see an orange square button in the top right of the screen. Click it, type the GL ID you want to add in the bar and search. If the ID is found click the little blue plus sign to the right of the ID and that will send the friend requests. My problem however is it only shows everyone as invited. They aren't on the friends screen so I can gift them. Anyone else having this problem or know what I need to do to fix it?
Thanks for making this. I think I added everyone before this but I might've missed a few and if I did I'm sorry. My name is: Fishy2777. Feel free to add me.
Greetings fellow Bronies and Pegasisters ... If you could please help it would be most appreciated! GL id: RS200
I'm having the exact same problem. I now have over 70 friends in GL but only 16 friends in the game. The rest show up under the invited section. Any ideas? GL: Skolvikings