new to mlp app hey guys im new to the mlp app I play at least 2 times a day and looking for friends my gl is Xrainbowdash92X please add me
New one Hey everyone, I'm new to the ponies and in need of some friends Gameloft id = PetGor Feel free to add and share
Looking for friends! Heya everypony, I just got into MLP not long ago and am loving the game and the community. I'm stuck atm and could really use some friends, need to get a Scootaloo and proceed forward =) Gameloft ID is Teagentherogue
treasure Hi, I am stuck in a quest "treasure hunt" Could u send treasure to me Plz. GLive id : Letm3diE
Add me too please Hello Everyone. My GL I'd is Gothicgarlic and I am in desperate need of friends to complete my tasks. Could you please add me? I am adding as many of you as I can MIT there seems that I'm doing something wrong because no one shows up in my friends list. Thank you!