add me too please Hi there, It'll be awesome if you add me as your pony friend. My username is NimFik .. everyone feel free to add me, I'm daily player
Hello! I'm new to the app and have no friends, hoping to find some here! I'm really addicted so I can gift and chest everyday, need to unlock ponies! Please add my GL account: paperbulletholes
Pleeeeease add me too! Ive become addicted. =D and i need hearts and stuff, and ill send em back! Emilija3860.
Please add me, between my daughter and myself, we play daily we will gift daily and will drop chests to those who help us out! We really want Zecora and Scootaloo! name to add: Kastizi Thank you.
MLP Friend request I have absolutely no friends although I have requested some people. Please add me. GameLoft: tink624
friends Hi, I really need some friends on my little pony so I can complete the capitalist quest. Add me lillianaxcore Thanks in advance
I am trying to add friends through Facebook and it doesn't seem to be working. My daughter is trying to save up for Zecora and Scootaloo. Would appreciate help to fix this or add us as a friend: jwalsh98
And me please Hi, lawboy1976 Constant player, trying to get as many hearts and gems as possible. Edit: Thank you, Zombieunicorn, for my first gifted heart. I'm assuming that you got one too, dude. I pressed gift and visited your town to drop a chest. I have no idea how this works.
Adds World be Nice Innocence41285 My system gets really buggy when I try to add people myself. Had a few added but they stopped playing I think, very frustrating.
Add me as a friend osiris774 I'm trying to get Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash for my 5 year old daughter. Please add osiris774 Thank you.
add me please My gl username is mamamunchkinlove. My fiancee is latexbut23. Please add us. Need more hearts and will send them in return. Also play the littlest pet shop game.