Hi all! I recently created a game on Android Studio. I am a UX Designer, but had recently done a few UX projects on games and enjoyed doing it. I took some time out to do Simply Maths and one other game (Monster Play) with the development help from my developer friends. It might not be a really unique or one of kind games - please don't judge too strictly. It is my very first attempt and any feedback on the UI, features or how to improve it, will be really helpful! I found out about this forum also through my developer friends, but I had already put up the game on the GPlay through a publisher. But I would really appreciate any feedback and help to improve on the next games. Simply Maths by Gamifying on GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamifying.simplymaths Please leave feedback and reviews, either on this post, or on the Gplay - I will read and reply to each one As a newbie, I will really appreciate it and am here to learn more and stay! Kind regards, Mann