My first ever game built on Android Studio: Simply Maths

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Mann Kaur, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Mann Kaur

    Mann Kaur New Member

    Aug 28, 2018
    Hi all!

    I recently created a game on Android Studio. I am a UX Designer, but had recently done a few UX projects on games and enjoyed doing it. I took some time out to do Simply Maths and one other game (Monster Play) with the development help from my developer friends. It might not be a really unique or one of kind games - please don't judge too strictly. It is my very first attempt and any feedback on the UI, features or how to improve it, will be really helpful!

    I found out about this forum also through my developer friends, but I had already put up the game on the GPlay through a publisher. But I would really appreciate any feedback and help to improve on the next games.

    Simply Maths by Gamifying on GooglePlay

    Please leave feedback and reviews, either on this post, or on the Gplay - I will read and reply to each one [​IMG]
    As a newbie, I will really appreciate it and am here to learn more and stay!

    Kind regards,

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