Hey everyone, I'd really appreciate it if you would join my dojo. My code is: FAAJEJFE remember you get a present, three days of double experience aswell as a special skill. Thanks.
join BGBJJJFE - best bear dojo! you will love it! join BGBJJJFE - best bear dojo! you get a bonus and bear skills!
Join the "Happyland Van" dojo! Want an awesome master? Join the "Happyland Van" dojo today! Enjoy DOUBLE XP for a week! If you join you will get awesome strong abilities, hit your emimies harder, and basically just kick ass! My highest brute is level 208, and I've got more than 100 pupils! I've acquired bears, polar bears, pathers, snow leopards and many more pets! Also a tone of awesome weapons, like halberts, flails, whips and soo many more. So, you wanna join eh?!? My master code is: GBGBFJGE
My brute master code 2014 - HEDIECIE ==> Bonus experience points for 3 days ==> Special powers, all the better to crush your opponents with! ==> An exclusive arena for taking on your opponents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs3eGZrnzgA