Join the Zen Chamber and fight along side an army of brutal warriors with intense skills, weaponry and savage beasts, now with the update all Brute The dojo master control have the most ferocious of beasts, bears, the rare snow leopard, wolves,wolf cubs, dogs and Recently a panda. Zen Chamber focuses all idle power to defeat the toughest of foes. Join now to the highly regarded up and coming Dojo. with time and effoet we will make it to the top!! Newest member has 310 victories and 60 deaths (Ukagawa lvl 27) join forces with... Master Date Masamune & Co. As a former member of Cobra Kai, its overrated!! Join Zen Chamber the new up and coming Dojo. New members joining every day!! Join with the master code.. DAFFGIFE Please look at what i am currently working with. photo(3) on Flickr - Photo Sharing! photo(2) on Flickr - Photo Sharing! all your questions answered at [email protected]