Now free, looks cool as hell. I'll be downloading this just as soon as I'm home and on wifi. Thank you Renegade Kid!
It's shocking that a well-designed title asks for fair compensation? ...and the industry thought that games, at least AAA, were unsustainable before this attitude became prevalent. Now even indie works are commercially unsustainable; explains all the freemium refuse floating around.
So I'm kinda stuck. How do you get ending 4 (in case anyone has since figured it out) and ending 6? Is the complete a level without dying bugged? I've done it on a couple levels and still nothing pops up. Thank you!
It seems to me that you all only got problems to reach ending 4, but I've played through the whole game now and also miss ending 5. Could someone please tell me how to get it? Greets
I wanted to play this again, but apparently it doesn't work with iOS 8. I'm hoping for a fix. This was the first game that made me throw my phone across the table in frustration.
I bought this and didn't play it until now, and it's too late for a refund since I bought it monthsago. Dev...I'm suing your ass. Seriously. You can't scam people like this. Either fix the game, or take it off the App Store. Contacting attorney now.
Between this comment and the one about you not wanting to pay $5 for a game that won't last you two centuries (NO WAY!)...congrats! You're not looking like a real douchebag. Not. At. ALL.