Music and audio services for indie developers

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Gravity Jim, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    #1 Gravity Jim, Nov 19, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
    I'm Jim Bordner. I have created the music and some of the sound design for both titles by Mika Mobile: Zombieville USA and the soon-to-be-released OMG! Pirates!

    Because of my long scoring experience, I bring a strong cinematic sense to my pieces, helping to create mood, push action, and immerse the player without getting obnoxious or irritating.

    Mika Mobile's attention to detail is what sells their games, and audio is a big part of it. And because of my low Midwestern overhead, I work cheaper than you'd think.

    Drop me a note if you'd like to talk. Web site's in my profile.
  2. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    BTW, most of the music for "OMG! Pirates!" is now posted at our website. Japanese folk music collides with sea chanties, jazz flute runs a race with a cello in a 1960's TV spy show theme, shamisen plays the blues over slide Stratocaster. Big fun, befitting the rollicking aspect of the game.
  3. CommanderData

    CommanderData Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Very nice, and very professional! Are you purely music, or have you experimented with sound effects too? My next game is going to need maybe six or more pieces of music (and I can't even guess how many SFX yet :p), and I'm not really sure how to proceed. Maybe you can PM me and we can talk about it a bit? :D
  4. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Commander, I do a fair amount of ground-up sound design, Foley and VO (for example, the pirate voices in OMG Pirates!).

    I'll drop you a PM and find out what you're looking for in your next game.

    Thanks for the reply!

    - GJ
  5. CommanderData

    CommanderData Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Gravity Jim- I've gotten your PM and e-mail responses, sorry but I seem to have fallen way behind even though I got an early start today! You should be seeing a very detailed write up coming your way, although it may end up as weekend reading material at this rate.

    By the way, loved the work you did on OMG Pirates (at least what I got out of the demo video)! I'm sure you'll continue to find work on the iPhone platform after something that popular hits the store :D
  6. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Thanks for the thumbs up. Check out the other samples on my website... go to the Music page, and make sure you find the Up and Down buttons on the AmpMX player... almost all the music for OMG! Pirates! is on page 2 of the jukebox, and the main theme from Zombieville USA is on page 4, I think.

    I'll watch for your e-mail......
  7. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    #7 Gravity Jim, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
    Just a note to thank all the devs who have contacted me so far. I'm looking forward to working with a couple of you soon.

    And if you're a developer ready for professionally-crafted original music and sound that doesn't sound like the same old thing, I'd love to hear from you, too.

    - GJ
  8. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    And just another note today as OMG Pirates! hits the App Store... get your copy now, if you haven't, and check out the involving, mood-creating score we did for Mika Mobile's next sure-fire hit. I'm very proud of it, and I hope you guys dig it, too.
  9. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    If you haven't, check out the new User Review by Somerandomdude of OMG Pirates! He rates the game very highly, but I am pleased (and grateful) that he not only cited the soundtrack, but really picked up on what we were doing with it... blending Asian and Celtic folk styles, and writing a score that is at once both playful and epic.

    Thanks for the kind words, SRD, and for the solid review of OMG Pirates!, another quality product from those true-blue old school gamers at Mika Mobile.

    (And if you want music that really sets the stage for your next game, drop me a line.)
  10. Shentloc

    Shentloc Active Member

    Dec 10, 2009
    Taipei, Munich and Hong Kong
    Hey Jim, I just sent you a PM :)
  11. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Right backatcha.

    - GJ
  12. Gravity Jim

    Gravity Jim Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Commercial music producer
    Santa Rosa, CA
    "Gravity doesn't suck. It attracts.™"

    I've had new estimate requests from two developers this week, and wanted to thank them out loud here (you know who you are!). :cool:

    Looking forward to scoring a bunch of new stuff in the new year. Thanks to the devs in question, and thanks to TouchArcade for giving us this exposure.

    Also, if you haven't heard the OMG Pirates! music yet, check the Gravity website, or write to me for links. I think it's some of the coolest stuff we ever did.

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