Hi, If you are playing a multiplayer game and have trouble connecting with a friend over Bluetooth, try turning off Wi-Fi. And if you have trouble connecting with a friend over Wi-Fi, try turning off Bluetooth. We ran into this issue when developing iSamurai Bluetooth. A bug report was submitted to Apple and they are working on it. They also helped us to come up with a solution that works for now in iSamurai Bluetooth. Part of that solution currently involves turning off the one (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) that you are not using to connect. For more info, see http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=351135#post351135 Doug Hogg Toy Kite Software http://toykite.com http://isamuraiapp.com http://twitter.com/toykitesoftware
More Wi-Fi and Bluetooth issues TUAW has posted about Apple fixes for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Problems, so if you are having Wi-Fi problems and turning off Bluetooth doesn't handle it, check out http://www.tuaw.com/2009/07/10/apple-proposes-iphone-ipod-touch-wi-fi-and-bluetooth-fixes/. Doug Hogg Toy Kite Software
Another fix for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection problems Another fix for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection problems is to power down both devices by pressing the button on the top and the main button simultaneously. In fact, this can handle other problems as well when an app is first installed. It is similar to restarting a computer, and is a good first step when trying to debug a problem. Doug Hogg Toy Kite Software
Thanks! I did notice that when I was trying to connect while playing iSamurai via Bluetooth. I didn't know what the problem was exactly at the time but I turned off Wi-Fi then BAM! It worked.