For YEARS I've been looking for an innovative breakout type game. I've been disappointed time and time again. Now along comes this game, and boy does it scratch that itch. Amazing.
Video of stage 2-1. This is where I actually find the game starting to get tougher. Just need some more practice really I think.
I know this is off topic but.... will there ever be any more ingredients added to pizza vs skeletons? It's been saying more coming soon for years dammit! YEARS!
I've been referring to it as MUL MASH (MUL pronounced "mole") and that's been working out pretty well for me.
Totally good strategy! Also, nobody would blame you if you wanted to call the paddles by their individual names, Meshlamtaea and Lugalirra, if that is simpler for you!
Of course! I have an IPhone SE so I play all my games on my IPad I can't play most games on such a small screen and when I'm out & about I'm usually driving or working or to busy to be playing on my phone That's just me and my personal preference So when I'm home and have time to play I play on my IPad It runs smoothly and looks great it's really a lot of fun I play with a controller mostly but the touch controls work great also I'm playing on a IPad Air 2 The spacing for controls is just right for me while holding my Ipad but when I'm siting up in the bed I lay it flat and that works fine too
Yes! Also check out the control and sensitivity settings in the options menu. We spent a lot of time making sure that people with big hands, small hands, large devices, and small devices, would have a comfortable way to play.
Appreciated, it plays perfectly on an iPad. This was my one concern but I had faith you'd sort it out. Great game.
I can't believe I've been playing pong for a couple of hours. This game is so unique and different . Pong plus upgrades is badass
Haha yeah I noticed that too when I revisited that gem of a game recently. Kinda annoying that it's there but oh well. I love this game btw! It's up there with PvS and The Executive as iOS classics!
There's still hope!!! As a two person team it's a tough balance between updating and brand new games. But don't worry, we haven't forgotten about Pizza, or the extra ingredients. Now that I know there's some demand, we will nudge it forward in the priorities list
This just my personal opinion but I rather have PvS2 but, both would be perfect. In a perfect world, right!?..
MFi Support First thing I did when I launched the game, was going to the settings and checking whether MFi controllers are supported or not. That just made my day. Anyway, so far I've only made it to 2-1 and I'm quite loving it (even though I've played just a few games). The art, music, gameplay mechanics, etc, are just great.I think everything that comes from Riverman could be considered as must-have artsy entertainment. Geez, they're good!