you start the game as a when you beat the last boss the game is like: you can either stay as a boy (keep ur stuff) or become a knight!!!! (clear everything) lol it IS weird
Wow! Thanks a lot guys for all the support and encouragement!!! After beating the lava boss, you actually get to choose to be a 'prince', not a 'knight'. And after beating it in 'prince' mode you get something new (I won't spoil it just yet). In 'prince' mode you get a little crown, which should be handy to show off in online multiplayer matches... as soon as we release that update (in a few weeks). It also gets a bit more difficult, and you'd need more muffins in 'prince' mode to unlock new stages.
Wow! Really good ideas! Somebody's been playing too much Mortal Kombat 9 lately We'll add this to our upcoming features/ideas list. Some of them would be really hard to implement and also be fun to play. The characters need to be able to actually kill the enemies, they need to look cool, have clear improvements when you upgrade them, and also have visually different upgrades, have strong points and also weak points. We also can't change the actual character movement much (such as running/jumping), but we can change their weapons pretty easy. So, let's see: 1) Golem! This one sounds really fun.. We'll add it (as it's easy to implement), and see if the enemies can fall in any weird places, or get stuck (they might) 2) Ghost! This one's Smoke.. one of my favorites from MK There's a high chance you'll hit an enemy when you get out of the phase attack (if there are more enemies coming in a row).. Maybe we'll make him attack(like a fist attack) when he comes out of the phase 3) Tortoise! This one looked good in Mario.. but it would be pretty hard to handle right.. not sure about this one 4) Honey Badger! This could be fun.. it's just that the bees would be hard to see visually (as they're small) 5) Ruffian! I guess this one is really hard to implement (and we'd need lots of extra animations for all monsters), plus I don't see how you'd handle more than one enemy. The game is pretty fast paced, so it's hard to do too much hand-to-hand combat 6) Mole! Sounds great.. We'll see if we can implement this 7) Ice Fairy/Snow Wolf Spirit! This one sound really cool too.. Could definitely use some ice attacks... 8) Water Fairy / Storm Witch! Yeah, if only we could make such beautiful water like in Sprinkle Not sure people will want to send enemies to the pit 9) Wind Fairy / Butterfly! Maybe we could use something like this, but make it behave like Mr. Steakfries, in Jetpack Joyride.. so it would blow the wind down... and when we upgrade it, it would also add some acid in the mix. Let me know if you have some better ideas for characters which could behave like this 10) Earth Fairy / Giant! Yeah, that's Jax! Could definitely use him.. sounds really fun.. so for large enemies it would push them back a bit for the first time, and for the second wave it would trip them onto their backs. For small enemies, it would trip them from the first shockwave. As for the flying guys, it would kill them from first wave, but only if they're really close 11) Sunshine Fairy /Imp! That's doable, and it could work.. I'm just not sure if it would be too much fun 12) Magic Fairy / Wizard! Nice one! I'll see if we can add this. 13) Ogre I guess people could get confused, as this is too similar to the Monster Hopper perk 14) Itsy Bitst Spider! This could be nice.. We'll try it and see how it works 15) Gingerbread Man! This one's too evil Could be hard to play that way And for the perks: Mid Air Dash This would work like a double jump, but instead of jumping, the second tap will make the character fly like the guy in League of Evil Snake and Ladders That's for little kids It would be hard to add an extra button We'll also add a nice perk, which colors the muffins, in the character which comes next. So, for example, if you see a green muffin, you'll know it will transform you in either the archer, cyclops or frog (if I got them right If it's a brown one, it will definitely be the monkey. We're definitely open to new ideas, so keep them coming!! Thanks a lot, Bogdan
Hey there I am having a blast so far with the game and though it is definitely a Super Crate Box clone, it is cleverly made with interesting new mechanics and beautiful as well, one of my favorite app to this day (maybe until SCB arrives ...) I do have some really annoying issues though , you'll excuse me if it has been mentioned before : - controls are too tiny and/or sometimes irresponsive . I have the impression that some of my inputs are not always taken in account, very annoying regarding the precision and the speed that the game requires. - The game is not graphically optimized or/and maybe to demanding even for my Ipod Touch 4. The framerate has some severe drops, especially using the wizard in the most beautiful stages, I even had "teleport freezes", causing instant death of course ... Maybe adding some controls over graphical effects like in some of the most recent apps could help, this game needs at least a solid constant 40-50 fps. - A typical move in SCB with physical inputs would be smashing the fire button and jumping at the same time, it is quasi impossible or at least very hard to have that kind of control with digital interface. Maybe adding a 3rd button mixing jumping and shooting at the same time could solve the problem. - The red dragon maybe a little bit unbalanced, in certain stages to have a muffin poppin just under the respawning mob's spot and being a dragon at this very moment means most of the time almost certain death. Maybe it's just my poor skills but I think that something could be improved regarding that. I am looking forward for the new contents, keep up the good work and I hope these remarks will help !
You guys are evil with the prince choice at the end. Of course I couldn't resist, and now I am starting all over with my unlockables :-( This game remains addictive as crack.
Scoring etc Can someone please explain the stars for each level and how to get every one? Is it best to not go to the next level until all stars are collected? Also, what is the 'wrench' icon for? I see it filling up. I have unlocked the castle level, but still only have a few starss on the previous levels? Should I go back and get all stars? How? Thanks so much!!
Really?!? Something after prince? I will have to beat the boss again. Maybe this time i should buy more than one hit and the last perk for the boss...
The stars are just a rating of how you did on a level. They go up when you collect more muffins in one game. They are just there so you can go back and beat your record, so feel free to go on ahead. The "wrench symbol" is actually for the raging bull. When you kill guys it goes up and when it fills you become the raging bull.
Thanks for considering LordGek's ideas as well as mine. He got a lot of good ones like the homing missile, arcing electricity and slow moving poison gas. I admit a lot of mine are MK inspired. It's cool that you like the quick 2-stage attacks like the Spider, Mole and Ice Fairy/ Wolf (that's from MK as well). I have another one coming I think would be cool. Also glad you liked the Golem and Wizard, I like the idea of changing enemy direction. I also find it funny that you definitely pointed out the weakest one on my list outright - Sunshine Fairy. I made it up to fill out the 5 elements roster but threw in that attack as a slow moving, larger variation of the Bird's eggs. Instead, maybe it could be a beam of light that vaporises nearby enemies, and blinds/ stuns far enemies (think Kratos ). Ghost: Adding a little attack at the end of the phase dash is a good improvement. I imagine phasing past a line of enemies and turning around and hitting the last one. It also gives you a little elbow room if you phase into a crowd of enemies, although I still liked the idea of knowing how to time the phase properly. Sounds great and should be improved by testing. Ruffian: hadn't thought there would be that much animation to do, nothing like a spinning piledriver, just him extending his arms to grab the enemy, and both characters quickly flying up a little and then coming down making a shockwave. But you guys know what you can and cant do. Honey Badger. I wanted a whimsical type of slick so I choose honey. Ogre. The difference between Monster Hopper and this is that Monster Hopper is an defensive perk that lets you survive jumping on enemies, while Orge's Mario stomp is offensive and kills enemies. At least that's my take. Earth Fairy / Giant! your breakdown of how it affects enemies sounds really cool. As far as upgrades go, do you guys think you can implement enemies dropping to lower levels, or will you stick to enemies being increasingly pushed back/ tripped up/ damaged? Water Fairy. I love the water attack because it plays upon enemy patrols and making breathing room for the player, but yeah, sending enemies to the pit is problematic (since they return faster). Maybe the rushing stream should be acidic from the start and send enemies downstream only so far before they die. Wind Fairy. The wind attack (blowing them back up they came) is another favourite of mine. If you have to change it to a downgust, then you can use a creature like a Gargoyle. I'm thinking of a Muffin Knight version of Goliath or Brooklyn. Gingerbread Man. Aw man, that would be fun though! It was my "Mr Rainbow" type character. I thought luring enemies with bait would be awesome. What exactly did you find tedious about it? Mid-air dash: yeah, League of Evil and Robot Wants Kitty is what I had in mind. Snake and Ladders, I figured that the random nature of which came next would keep people from exploiting it, but I realized that perks are permanent during a playthrough and people would simply use this all the time instead of jumping. Maybe this will work better as a Muffin Creature, like a Carpenter or Woodsman, and he could only deploy one at a time and the ladder/ snake would be random, so using it would pose a risk of running into enemies. Only hangup is that this isn't offensive, but you'd be changing into another character soon anyway. Hmm. ------- The perk of knowing the upcoming muffin was something I thought about but didn't know how to implement without words all over the screen. Colouring the muffin sounds awesome, and yet you still don't get narrowed down to the exact character. Beginners will appreciate it! I had more ideas but decided to wait to see what other people came up with, as well as criticism to see what can or can't work. It's also getting a little tougher to match cool character idea (Gargoyle) with gameplay mechanic (line mines). At least now I have filters to work with.
I figured out what happens when you beat the boss as a prince. I actually guessed that that was what happened when you finished with prince (man that boss is HARD with only one hit)
Is this an extra boss or something? I already beat the game and went back to Lava Land and got 24 muffins, and waited to see what would happen. Nothing did though, and I can't remember if I chose the prince or the knight the first time I beat it. So if you chose the wrong person that extra surprise is gone for good? How can you restart the profile?
I am not spoiling the surprise of what it is... Idk if you can rechoose boy or prince but if you need to "start over" go to options and then player slots. Then you can keep that game file and do a new prince game file.
I started a new slot and blew past to the lava stage, but when I got 20 muffins the game continued, I didn't get the victory over the boss. So apparently when you beat it the first time whatever you choose carries over into the other slots apparently. :/
Muffins Baron/ Warrior! I think he should look like a cute Muffin Knight version of the Witch King from Return of the King. Carries chain mace. Chain acts under gravity. Press attack to throw out mace and chain onto the ground. Press attack again to quickly pull it back. Both throwing the mace out and pulling it back can hurt enemies. After throwing down mace, you can leave it on the ground and walk/ jump around with the chain dangling behind you but you can't move beyond the length of the chain (until you pull it back). - You can use to immediately kill enemies in front of you. Press attack twice quickly to throw out and retrieve the mace, killing one enemy. Or you can use it to lay a trap for several enemies. Throw it out, let enemies walk on the chain, then pull it to kill more enemies. - You can throw it out on the ground, jump over the enemy then retrive it to kill the enemy from behind. - You can stand facing a ledge above you, throw it on the ground just ahead of it, then jump to lift the chain and catch enemies jumping down from a ledge. - You can walk near an ledge and throw it so the chain hangs off the edge, and the mace kills an enemy that just jumped down. Should be a lot of fun. Weapon type inspired by Castlevania. Dwarf! Carries iron cannon that shoots canister. When canister hits something, boiling black oil bursts out in the area and flows around. The physics of the oil splashing/ pooling in the corner resembles that in Feed Me Oil, or the flamethrower in Super Crate Box. The Inventor! Sends out flying turret/ clockwork owl. It quickly shoots out a reasonable distance, stops and sprays spikes at the nearest enemy. It can shoots in any direction an enemy is, so if you are near a ledge above or below you, you can shoot it and let it engage enemies directly above or below it. Upgrades increase shooting duration. Inspired by the Inventor from Avatar The Last Airbender and Geppeto from Pinnochio. Glowworm/ Sunshine Fairy! Shoots out a quick beam of light. Beam initially has limited range and duration (half a second). It vaporises nearby enemies, and blinds/ stuns distant enemies. You can slowly walk back and forth with the beam, but before upgrades, you cannot turn around while attacking. Upgrades lengthens the beam, increases duration. Final upgrade lets you turn back and forth with the beam. An improvement on my earlier version. Gargoyle! Attacks by doing an instant short hop and glides towards enemies. Glide attack will gradually descend under gravity. Glide attack doesn't stop until he touches a wall or the ground, so the higher he is off the ground or the further away he is when the attack begins, the further he will glide. Upgrades will allow him to do a second glide attack in midglide by pressing attack again. Also, upgrades will allow him to turn back and forth in midair instead of being commited in one direction. Inspired by Goliath from Gargoyles. Witch! Witch with a broom. Pressing attack levitates character for and downdraft kills enemies (physics acts like machine gun jetpack in Jetpack Joyride). Initial duration is 3 seconds, upgrades increase this. Dev made this suggestion earlier in the thread, I'm just adding details. Druid! A hedge of thorny bramble bushes is summoned and grows in front of character to damage enemies. Initial range is about length of a 2 enemy train. Upgrades increase length and duration. Squirrel! Rolls giant nut downhill. Projectile has medium rolling range and can roll down stairs. So if you're near the edge of a ledge, you can roll the nut and it will follow enemies downstairs. If you jump and throw it, it will heavily bounce once or twice before rolling. Upgrades increase range and strength. Inspired by Snowy's Adventure, and the flaming boulders in the Lava Land level. Shadowrunner! Sends out shadow doppleganger that runs, climbs up/ down ledges and attacks the first enemy he encounters. Sounds similar to a homing missile, but with a twist! The shadow always starts runs in the direction you're facing, and then navigates the same back and forth way enemies do. So while you can kill an enemy from far away, you have to face the right direction to do it. The enemies on the left are technically closer but the enemy on the right is in the path of the shadow.Initially you'l have a limited range and number of shots. Upgrades will increase that. Inspired by, you guessed it, MK9's Noobsaibot. Lion! Pounces in an arc. Skates to a short stop during recovery. Both pounce and recovery kill enemies. You can control the direction of the recovery skate i.e. you can skate back and forth until he stops. Upgrades increase damage. Scarecrow! Scares black crows at enemies in a spreadshot. They only fly out a short distance. Has to wait till they return to character before firing again. Jester/ Taffyman! Throws himself using an Angry Birds slingshot mechanic. Press button (or hold) to stop in your tracks and anchor yourself. Press left or right to instantly pull and stretch yourself back in a direction. Press button again (or release button) to shoot off in the other direction and ricochet around like a rubber ball, killing all enemies. My second Mr Rainbow type character. Perks Random Rain. Switches any red enemies to normal. Rain duration is 5 seconds. The cooldown period between rainstorms varies between 20-40 seconds randomly. Fairy. Sets all red enemies to normal for 10 seconds/ freezes all enemies in place. She has to be cornered and caught to activate. Spawns far from the pplayer, at the middle of the stage, placed randomly at the top, center or bottom. When player gets close, she darts away to one of the side walls or corners of the stage, and stays still until caught. The player takes a small risk running past enemies to catch the fairy to reap the rewards. Once caught, fairy takes a while to respawn. Magic Mirror. Basically two portals. You throw out one mirror, and then quickly have to throw out the second mirror somewhere else before it dissappears. Once the two mirrors are deployed enemies entering into one mirror end up walking out the other. Basically reroutes enemies.
Wow! You're incredible!! We could definitely add most of those. Can I add you to our beta group? Please apply over here:!forum/muffin-knight-beta-testing
Sure, we could add that. Do you have an iCade? It would be super if you could help us test it once it's ready.