Universal Muffin Knight (By Angry Mob Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. ak47killa

    ak47killa Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    THIS GAME IS REALLY FUN!!!! I got over a 1000 muffins in a day. lol.
  2. idespair

    idespair Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Definitely my game of the week. It may be a clone, but its been put together well - it looks good, the controls work and the quick gameplay and levelling are well suited to short play sessions.
  3. mattll

    mattll Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    unlocked all characters ( hopefully there will be new ones added through updates)
    levelling them up currently
    imo the best game of the week ( and the most played currently on my iphone )
  4. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Reached the last boss in the lava after grabbing 20 muffins in a row in the castle level. Used the "spawn if you fall in the pit" trick against enemies. Boy do I feel skillful dodging enemies left and right. :)

    Now how do you beat the boss? Do you hit him directly, kill enough enemies, or do you have to collect 20 muffins again? The game doesn't say.
  5. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    i beta tested this baby and i can vouch for it. great game!

    and i agree with some of the sentiments with the flamethrower but i guess much hasn't changed since i beta tested it. however it's still a good game as a whole. don't miss it! so darn fun
  6. GuerrillaBob

    GuerrillaBob Well-Known Member

    #46 GuerrillaBob, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
    Really good ideas! We'll definitely add those, as they sound really fun, especially the way they attack. We may change the robot to some witch or something, to keep the fairytale look :)
    Thanks a lot! :)
  7. weehomer

    weehomer Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2010
    North of Ohio
    Really? You?

    "Miss Claire Garden" "Supergay" "Lube : Let your fingers have the fun!"

    But you skipped over this?

  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    No problem, I was just tagging a name to the weapon concepts, please feel free to use whichever fantasy creatures fits them best for you guys.
  9. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Is that spawning "trick" a perk or an exploit you'd uncovered?
  10. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Yah yah... I really need to just check out every thread here =oP

    I got lazy...
  11. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Okay, now you're just encouraging me!

    3) Barbarian: Another melee dude with a big two handed sword. Better reach than the Grizzly but only swipes in the direction he is facing.

    4) Alchemist: Another trapper like the unicorn but with poisonous gas. The cloud does'nt kill those wandering through it instantly but will slowly wear folk away over time. The cloud would persist for several seconds so it potentially can effect many before disappating. Clearly it will need to have limited instances on the screen at any moment. Easiest might be a forced delay before another cloud can be laid so that you can't lay a second cloud until the last one is almost disappated.
  12. GuerrillaBob

    GuerrillaBob Well-Known Member

    I guess #4 could be a skunk
  13. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    #53 LordGek, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
    Oh yeah...although clearly a demented evil skunk if spray poisoned you.

    An Undead Skunk? What other game has one of those? :p

    He could even look a little "road killy" (although in this case run over by horses or an enchanted coach).
  14. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
  15. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Game Impressions

    Maybe it was just me but I almost missed the perks deal up in the upper right! These are some great abilities that will surely enhance your ass kicking so don't forget to unlock a few (double jumping, respawning when falling into the flame pit, etc.). Each game you can pick one of these unlocked abilities to help give you an edge against the opposition.

    So, Arta, care to share some of your character ideas?
  16. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Great characters from LordGek! Here are my ideas.


    1) Golem! He drops a stone wall. The wall will be the size of a character (or slightly bigger) and will last about 5 seconds. It will block enemies and force them to walk back until they find another route down. You can only throw out one or two walls at a time.

    The idea is that you can reroute enemies to give yourself some breathing room in the middle ledges, or even deploy them on on the side ledges and trap enemies that can't drop down the other side. The catch is that before upgrades, the wall doesn't actually kill enemies, and you watch out for when a bunch of enemies suddenly pouring downstairs once the wall disappears. Also, bats can obviously fly over them.

    Upgrades will go from making the wall explode causing weak splash damage, to the final upgrade will make you throw out a clone golem who will slowly advance forward punching enemies and then explode in a shower of rocks.

    2) Ghost! It has no offensive attacks, but you have the ability to phase and dash forward during which you are invincible. There will be a cooldown period of 1- 3 seconds. You'll have to combine jumping and phase dashing to avoid enemies, while being careful not to get caught when you're cooling down.

    Upgrades will leave afterimages of your ghost during phase dashes, and they can slowly float after enemies and damage them.

    3)Tortoise! Press the button and you use your shell as an inpenetrable shield for 2-3 seconds, then automatically throw it forward to push back and damage enemies. You then have to wait as it flies around and returns to you like a boomerang (so that you can't spam it). You also walk a bit slower when it is deployed. Doesn't work well on enemies jumping on top of you - you'll have to jump to them and deploy the shield.

    Upgrades will increase the curve of the shield to cover the top and eventually all around you. The boomerang time could be lessened as well, as well as enemy damage or pushback. You'll still walk slowly with it though.

    4) Honey Badger! He leaves a sticky honey slick that slows down enemies. Upgrades will go from slowing enemies to a halt, to the final upgrade that brings angry stinging bees once enemies get stuck.

    5) Ruffian! Grabs an enemy, jumps and piledrives it into the ground. Upgrades will allow to continue piledriving the enemy twice or 3 times while bouncing in the direction you press, creating damaging shockwave. Think of POW in Mario arcade games, in a limited area. With Zangief doing the piledriving.

    6) Mole! Pressing attack makes him dig a hole in the ground and wait, pressing it again makes him glow red and jump out in a surprise dash attack. Inspired by the potato mine in Plants vs Zombies. He's vulnerable while digging the hole, which takes a risky 1-3 seconds.

    Upgrades will allow him more time to make more red glow dashes after jumping out.

    7) Ice Fairy/ Snow Wolf Spirit! She blows a gust of wind and freezes enemies in ice blocks. You can shatter them by running into them, or let enemies walk into them as well. Think "Tilt To Live" :)

    Upgrades will be increasing the length of the gust. Final upgrade could be an ice clone of the wolf running forward and freezing enemies, or a stationary ice clone, Sub-Zero style.

    8) Water Fairy/ Storm Witch! She summons a thundercloud and the rainwater washes the enemies down the level. Basically any enemy that walks under the cloud gets swept up in the stream and sends them down their projected path rapidly to get them to the pit faster. You'll want to deploy this on higher levels on one side to send more enemies into the pit faster, while being careful not to make a roadblock for yourself.

    Not sure if this should be a continuous stream or a sudden rush of water every second.

    Upgrades will make the rainwater acidic and damage enemies even before they reach the pit.

    Inspired by the water physics in Sprinkle. :)

    9) Wind Fairy/ Butterfly! She sends a strong gust of wind forward and send enemies tumbling about back up the way they came. So if you're at the bottom of the level on the right side and enemies are jumping down from the above ledge to your position, using this wind attack will blast them back along their path up to the ledge above. As the enemies resume their pattern, you then have enough breathing room to escape left. This basically works opposite to the Water Fairy, in that you send enemies back up the way they came instead of sending them down faster on their way to the pit.

    I think the animations of enemies spiraling back up the level with legs wiggling could be pretty funny.

    Upgrades could be blowing them back up to the top, or blasting them from the level entirely.

    10) Earth Fairy/ Giant! Pounds the ground quickly to shake the immediate area and trip enemies onto their backs, then a second pound attack either damages them or drops them to the level immediately below.

    Upgrades increases these effects until you either kill them quickly or shake them off the level. This works on enemies in the immediate area, not the entire level.

    11) Sunshine Fairy/ Imp! She deploys a miniature sun that slowly spirals and moves towards enemies, burning them. Final upgrade is a supernova burst in the area (not for the entire stage).

    12) Magic Fairy/ Wizard! Temporarily hypnotizes one enemy, makes it invincible and makes him slowly walk in the opposite direction and damage/ kill one single enemy. This enemy can still hurt you.

    The idea is to attack the first enemy in a train and send him back to attack the one behind him. The trick is being careful who to attack. For example, if you're already behind the last enemy in a line and trance him, he'll slowly turn back towards you.

    Upgrades will slow the enemy down and increase damage significantly until he kills 2-3 regular enemies at once for you.

    Inspired by Quan Chi from Mortak Kombat 9. :)

    13) Orge! You instantly kill enemies by jumping on them, like Mario. Big enemies will require two bounces. Upgrades will be splash damage from a shockwave.

    If you have Monster Hopper equipped while being an Orge, you'll bounce on enemies in addition to killing them. Good for jumping on a train of foes.

    14) Itsy Bitsy Spider! It can throw out a web that covers a small circle and trap enemies for a while. You can attack enemies, but only after you've trapped an enemy in a web. You do this by walking near the web until you're within range, which will be indicated by a chattering sound and the spider's being visibly excited. Pressing attack again will make you pounce and gulp the enemy in one swoop.

    Upgrades will be making the web bigger to trap more enemies at a time.

    The fun here is do you simply trap enemies and go for the muffin, or run back to eat enemies for XP. You have to be careful because if an upgraded web has caught only one or two foes with more enemies marching behind them, mindlessly pouncing to eat them will leave you open to damage.

    Inspired by an African fairytale, Anansi the spider, and Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor. :)

    15) Gingerbread Man! He throws a piece of himself that enemies stop to eat. He can throw up to 3 pieces (2 arms and a leg) and will actually be animated hopping around (I think this should be funny). Upgrades will either be sprinkled crumbs from the thrown bread limb that enemies also slow down briefly to lick up, or the thrown piece grows into a vengeful gingerbread clone and munches on the enemies.


    Mid-air dash. Self explanatory.

    Snake and Ladders. A button automatically deploys a snake and makes you slide down to a lower level, or a ladder to climb up to a higher level. You can only deploy one at a time. You will keep alternating between the snake and the ladder.
  17. JoshCM

    JoshCM Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Game Designer
    Upstate NY
    this game is growing on me. at first I was completely confused.
    the only thing I don't like is dying. I would rather have a health bar, so theres no popup every time you die.
  18. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA

    Wow! :eek:
  19. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Your ideas are great too, especially the lightning, the homing missile, and the persistent poison cloud. That last one inspired a bunch on my list, I really like the idea of creative mine type weapons.

    You can increase your life in the character level menu to take more hits. :)
  20. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States
    This gives me my Super Crate Box fix for now. Anyway, it's fun and all, but doesn't run smoothly on my Ipod Touch 2G. :(

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