Yes, I've the same feeling ! I really enjoy the game and I appreciate the different difficulty mods but I don't wanna loose each time all my characters specs (especially for multiplayer), all the counting of my muffins and all my records just for a new crown... I dream of a game where you can earn a new crown and new difficulties but always choose to come back in low levels with your old fully upgrades characters. Especially when I try to get the "50 muffins in a level record" and I can't cause the game is too hard to get them in high level...
Just figured out how to use the last character, lol. Silly me. You have to kill monsters to fill up the bar on the right. Why didn't anyone just tell me that -_-.
We're getting ready to submit our next update. There's a really cool new character coming up! Can you guess what it is?
Probably a panda bear, can't be to similar to Mr Grizzly. I wonder what kind of character attacks it will have.
Muffin Knight - 'Record your own video' Contest We started a really fun contest! Win custom Muffin Knight T-Shirts, with your favorite characters or iTunes Gift Cards! To enter for your chance to win, all you have to do is record yourself playing Muffin Knight, and upload the video on the contest page. The best videos win, for each of these categories: Funniest movie/trick Most skillful player Most interesting multiplayer match View more details and enter here. Also, if you invite your friends, and they win, you also win the same price as them! Please help us spread the word on this contest! Thanks and good luck!
He's got two attacks: one where he jumps up in the air, rolls around and then does a ground stomp. The other one is more like a wrestling tackle, when he's on the ground.
Ah, any area of effect to these attacks or is it a direct enemy attack? In anycase thanks a lot for this one, I remember thinking you guys might be adverse to melee characters but this one sounds fun so it worked out after all! Thanks again for the released and continuing updates, this had truly been AngryMobGames' best project to date! How close to submission are you guys?
Thanks Arta! We're getting closer and closer to submission... we just have some Xcode compatibility issues with all the plugins we added.. and once we fix them, we'll submit the game. The Panda has a larger damage area of effect if you do the stomp attack, and a smaller one if you're on the ground... you'll see, it bounces and it's super funny
That sounds amazing. Is there a reason you went with a character with two attacks? Was the jump stomp hard to do under ledges with enemies coming at you? Or are you just consolidating enemy attacks cause it fit the character? And are you still entertaining suggestions for characters and levels? I had an idea for a big squared stage where you could jump around along the outside, or risk a shortcut through the middle. The shortcut could be a special platform that disappears after a while (like that level in Donkey Kong Gameboy). Or it could be a rickety boat that moves swiftly back and forth across an dangerous lake, but you have to keep jumping to keep it from sinking.
Well.. about the Panda, he's got a really nice attack when he's in the air: it freezes mid air, rolling 360 deg, and then it smashes down. That wasn't possible when he's on the ground, so he's got another attack for that one. We thought about moving platforms and stuff.. but it's a lot of work, as we'd have to recode all the characters, make the poops move with the platform, the muffins, enemies, sync it over multiplayer... and it also adds to the difficulty... so we decided to skip them
That sounds just like I thought, like something out of Sly Cooper. Ok, so no moving platforms. Would disappearing platforms work? Anything falling after the platform disappears would be like regular falling from a jump/ ledge height. Maybe boulder obstacles that move up and down, and give you the death animation if you get caught underneath. Or maybe a simple level layout like an circle, X or a T? I'll have to think about it.