Universal Muffin Knight (By Angry Mob Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. hohcc

    hohcc New Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    um.. looks great ..
  2. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
  3. GuerrillaBob

    GuerrillaBob Well-Known Member

    Muffin Knight iOS was just updated with all this cool stuff:

    • iCade controller support
    • Improved Controls
    • Added options to customize the controls size
    • iPad2 optimizations
    • Performance optimizations
    • Achievements posting fixes
    • Increased difficulty for prince and king modes
    • Increased Dragon damage

    Next up is the Game Center Online Multiplayer... we'll submit that one soon
  4. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Thanks guys, appreciate the updates!
  5. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Just a quick note that after updating I had no controls on screen (iPod 4g) but to fix it all I had to do was pause go to customize the controls and press reset to default and they apeared again.
    Just incase anyone else finds this happen.
  6. clarsonx

    clarsonx Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    After the update it appears that I am capped at Level 50 and can no longer gain experience.
  7. Appleisaac

    Appleisaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Up in Here
    Same here... This ruins the point of the game :( I am kind of disappointed.
  8. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Appreciate the update, those random freezes seem to be gone and the larger buttons are nice. There's still a couple of nagging issues (a couple already mentioned).

    - There's still a couple of times when the shoot button doesn't respond at all to my taps, also there were a few times when I pressed right and ended up walking left.
    - In the customization screen, all buttons are invisible until you press Reset.
    - After a second time of fixing controls in customisation screen, the dpad was invisible when I resumed the game. I had to pause it and go back to the customization screen and use the Reset trick to make it visible.
    - Placing the buttons where you want is frustrating because they seem to work according to some grid arrangement as opposed to being moved about smoothly and placed anywhere like in Street Fighter Volt.
    - I'm at level 50 and have been forcefully capped. I can't earn any more XP.
  9. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Nice update. Maybe it is my imagination, but the game seems to look even better on my iPad 2. Whether the graphics were improved or not, it really looks beautiful. One time with update, the controls disappeared when I transformed into the Bull. Starting a new game after I died made the controls reappear.

    As for the level 50 cap, I thought that was true of prior releases as well.
  10. MJFox

    MJFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Vienna, Austria
    there seem to be a problem with the collision-detection after the update, I fell through massive ground and died a few times :(

    also most of the achievements still seem to be broken


  11. GuerrillaBob

    GuerrillaBob Well-Known Member

    That's really strange.. which level was it where you felt through the ground? Did you have any massive background activity (like receiving emails + 2 phone calls :) And what device do you have?
  12. MJFox

    MJFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Vienna, Austria
    it happened with my iPad2, there was no background activity as far as I know (for sure there was no "massive background activity")... I played yesterday with the iControlPad (in iCade-mode) and it happened in the "ghost town"-level a few times... today I tried it again but I can't reproduce the issue anymore :confused:


  13. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I bought this yesterday and played a bit. Yep, it's fun. Definitely worth the measly 99 cents.
  14. EdS35

    EdS35 Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    Blargh. Wish I had known about the level cap. I wasted a lot of points on perks I never use, and still have two characters who aren't maxes and no extra hearts. Is this intentional? It's kind of annoying (or at least a warning along the lines of "choose wisely as you can't max out everything!")

    Fun game but I think my interest will be gone until an update. Oh and my achievements are all broken. I got the notices in game, but nothing synced to GC.
  15. clarsonx

    clarsonx Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    I may be wrong, but the level cap seems more like a bug than something intentional. It does not make sense that you are prevented from fully leveling up. Also, when you try to add experience after the cap, there is a graphics and sound glitch which makes is seem like the game wants to add on the experience, but for some reason does not.
  16. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Good thing I didn't update yet with regards to level cap. But someone mentioned that he level cap exists befor the patch I think. Either way, I'm around lev 45, so I can see if I can lev up past lev 50 for the prepatched version. Otherwise, it's a shame if we can't fully level up everything... :(
  17. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Haven't downloaded the update yet either (not enough room!). But will wait to clear space until after there's some confirmation about the leveling cap.
  18. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #198 tops2, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
    [edited this paragraph] Note, this is for the before the update: Well, I got to level 50 and it seems like I can still earn experience. I seem to be able to "level to 51"..but then it'll reset to lev 50. It does look like I can still earn experience and "level up" and still get point to get perks. I've "leveled up" 2-3 times after level 50..but I'm also still at level 50. But I do still earn experience, it appears I can still fully upgrade all my characters. Maybe this it to help keep the experience needed to level up constant, but still allow you to gain points for upgrades.

    At least for the prepatched version..I seem to be getting weird stuff happening in the last level. On the second ledge, I seem to end up on an invisible ledge above the actual second ledge. It happened 3-4 times.. eventually I can get off the ledge..but its strange. I'm not sure how I trigger this exactly as usually I'm just running around.

    On the last level also, some of the smaller enemies seems to not walk the whole length of the ledge. They seem to walk a step on the top 3 ledges, then turn around and fall to the next ledge. On the second ledge though, they walk the whole distance. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not...

    Otherwise..what a fun game. Due to the leveling up system, I actually don't mind dying repeatedly in this game. The only real annoying thing is all the random "chugging" along of the game..but it sounds like its been optimized in the update. I'll wait for the next update then...
  19. caanerud

    caanerud Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    'Chugging' has not been optimized (for me, at least). And the solution for people who have trouble jumping and attacking appears to be making the player automatically attack while jumping at random times, which gets me killed randomly (especially if I'm Monkey and my banana-rang bounces back into my face).

    Not impressed with this update, other than being able to make the buttons a little bigger. Hopefully online multi-player is added soon.
  20. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #200 tops2, Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
    Have you noticed if you still earn points when you "level up" past level 50? If you can after the update, then I guess it won't hurt if I update.

    I guess for me, the main upgrade I want is to smooth out the gameplay and have the buttons respond exactly to my commands. It sounds like the controls haven't really been fixed.

    Yeah, the character I have most trouble with is the Monkey.. lol.. I keep hitting myself.

    Also want to echo before the update..it also to me seems like achievements don't work.

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