Rayman eat your heart out, we have a full fledged platformer on iOS. I never thought I could ever play a platformer with such fidelity on a touchscreen yet here we are. This game translated very well, so cool
It sucks how we get no backstory or character intro. Makes the game and connection to the character lifeless. Shame
Yeah. They interestingly took out the cutscene that connected the character and game to the first game.... But being honestly it amounts to if I remember, they finally caught male splosion man. They are celebrating, someone spills bubbly onto a computer. The electricity shocks a bow, ms splosion man appears and she splode a everyone in the room. Cut to beginning of first level..... That's literally the entire character development even in the original. With twiste pixel, you are supposed to just kind of go with it.
http://vimeo.com/60757386 that's the URL to the backstory you so desire... Going even further back involves just playing the original game, but this is the origin to the main character in this game.
Once you get to that point, you use coins to unlock the next sections. It's much cheaper coin wise to do whole sections instead of one at a time. You should have more than enough.
So you have to spend coins to proceed with the game? Kinda disappointed I thought you have to finish the same level a few times to clear more objectives so it will unlock by itself. Guess i was wrong. Still an awesome game though! Absolutely gorgeous on my iPad 4, one of the few i think i'll actually finish before deleting.
If this is true its dissapointing. Really dissapoiting... Havent played much because my iPhone 5 will arrive next week (I hope for no more delays, shouldnt be any by now) but will ser this myself now.
The rate at which coins are given is very generous. Just find the hidden shoes in a level, complete a few objectives and voila! The fact that it seems like there's a never-ending stream of objectives for each level means you should never run out of coins. It also helps that these objectives are really quite simple and nothing like you'd see in some ridiculous endless runners.
It is true - but not disappointing... It costs something like 150 coins to unlock one stage, and 500 to unlock a zone. And you'll earn around 150 coins per stage (100 coins for completing Tier 1 objectives and about 40 coins for completing the stage) - so long as you complete their objectives (which are fairly easy for Tier 1) if you complete Tier 2 objectives I think you get 300 coins (though I could be remembering wrong)... Once I hit stage 1-4, I had more than enough coins to unlock the zone, and still had around 200 coins to spare (though I did play through stage 1 and 2 twice to get the Tier 1 and Tier 2 objectives completed)...
Yeah... objectives are basically things that you'll do while playing through a level anyway (dance for 1 second, spend 12 seconds on zip lines, beat the ghost [par] time -- which in stage 1 is something like 7 minutes) - really, there's an abundance of coins, so you'll never be forced to 'grind' to unlock more stages.
Have to disagree here with ya. Just passed world one, first three levels I even got on 3rd slate of objectives and I found myself with a lack of tokens to buy off world two. Guess I'll have to buy one level at a time.
What's the size installed and is it really worth it to get the game with a game size like this because if I get it, I must delete maybe Need For Speed to get it because I need more space ? Also, how is the IAP in the game and is there replay value ?
It takes up 999mb on my iPad. There's IAP in the game, but none of it is necessary and you won't even feel the need to buy any.
Ouch, 1gb without icloud saves. Makes me think. Can one play this game on hdmi tv? I mean the controls, do I have to look at my ipad or not for the controls. Anyone?
Jump button is anywhere on the right side, I think movement can be changed from static buttons to a flexible virtual stick, so you should be able to play without looking.
Having tried both the dynamic controls and the static controls, I'd actually like a hybrid. Static controls that I can move up the screen to the desired height (ie in bed I want the controls two thirds up but in a fixed position, on the sofa, lower is more preferable)