
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Brazilian Rider, May 17, 2010.

  1. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I will admit, the horror cliche is generally that
    the woman ends up the winner.

    Even the awesome film Cabin in the Woods succumbed partially to this, though thanks to every other aspect of the film, it still stands head and shoulders above most. And technically Drag Me to Hell
    had the woman die, REALLY die, like holy crap die
    and was also directed by Rami.. I'm surprised that the movie, which was critically revered, basically got panned by imdb users... I'll never understand how that system works.
  2. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    #4942 MasterChief3624, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    Okay. Let me be clearer. Star Trek has Captain Kirk as a main guy. What if the movie made him a woman instead?

    Or Star Wars was based around Lana Skywalker in an alternate universe concurrent to the original trilogy?

    I realize it is apparently a big cliche. I understand. The Grudge, The Ring, Scream, Scary Movie franchise... I understand. But
    for an established cult classic franchise like The Evil Dead to have a movie where they switch the lead role from a male to a female? That's a big deal to me. That's awesome.

    It's too bad to hear that Kagemusha is not so grand. :( I will hold off until I see at least a couple of his other movies. Yojimbo... Yojimbo... I'll look for it next time I'm at my parents' house, haha. :p

    I didn't know Star Wars was anything but completely original, actually! That's interesting... That sounds like a great idea to watch The Hidden Fortress on that basis alone. :)

    House looks ridiculous from what I've seen, but I think I'll still open it up. I had Hulu Plus, but I think I canceled my subscription a few months back. I hope so, at least... I didn't know they had Criterion films on there, though! That might make me want to use it more, haha :p Surely they don't have all the Criterion films? ...or do they? :eek:

    The version of Touch of Evil I got was the 50th Anniversary Edition DVD. It has 3 cuts of the film, but I think they're the same as you listed just with one aspect ration each... I think. I've heard so many great things about the opening shot of the film. I can't wait to see it for myself :)

    What do you mean by the KTL score? Is that available on the Criterion Blu-ray? And I haven't watched any silent films except for The Artist (which, you know, isn't 100% silent), so thank you for warning me about overacting. I hope it's not a distraction. The title of the film, the pictures on the back, and the story all sounded so haunting and atmospherically great, though, that I'm sure I could handle some overacting if it's necessary :p

    That is awesome to hear about Killer's Kiss. Sounds like I almost have all of his big films on Blu-ray now! Lolita, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut, Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Paths of Glory, The Killing, and Killer's Kiss! By jove, I am wondering if I do have all his films now!

    I think Spartacus is also in that Blu-ray collection, but I don't remember loving that movie so much back in the day. I'm not sure, though. I will definitely give that another shot, however.

    Ingmar Bergman seems to be a direction that's coming up in many film conversations lately. I'm sad that I've never seen a film of his. Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Luis Buñuel... three names that come up a lot.

    You'll have to forgive me if I don't watch these films immediately. It takes me a while sometimes to get to movies I buy, haha :p I'm feeling a Kubrick marathon coming on, though... :cool:

    Lol yay! I'm glad we're getting along now, haha. You've definitely gotten me back into wanting to analyze movies that are thoughtful and deep, that's for sure. I was slacking for a while there ;) And funny story: I have been watching a ridiculous amount of Family Guy lately. You like that show?
  3. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    I've seen every episode of Family Guy
  4. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Do that, definitely. And know it's a movie you can simply just sit back and enjoy, it's very light. It still has things that relate a lot back to Japanese lore, but that's for a second watching (something I strongly urge you to listen to if you enjoy the movie).

    As for Kagemusha, it's sad. It sucks. I bought it sight unseen, and I have a bit of buyer's remorse, but at the end it is still a decent, if a bit boring, and it has an extensive commentary track, which is always a nice bonus, and almost exclusively why I will purchase a movie.

    A LOT was taken from Hidden Fortress, even though Lucas admits to it being a minor inspiration.

    It is another film that is just a fun romp, it's something you can take at face value and have a ton of fun watching it.

    They have almost EVERY Criterion, including house. They sometimes have a few of the criterion extras (I know there are a few interviews based on some of the films).

    My suggestion: sign up with a different email address and start your subscription again, free 2 weeks, or a free month if you sign up through a good referral. Maybe I can lend you mine, PM me and we can talk ;)

    That should be more than enough, sounds like they did add a lot in there. I love that they go to those lengths in order to really give the real addicts something special. I remember reading how all the On The Waterfront fans were clamoring over the additional aspects to see a bit more of Eva Marie Saint's sexy legs ;)

    The KTL experimental score is on the Bluray. Before you play, you can select it from the main menu, I forget the option, but it is there.

    As for The Artist, that gives you a bit of the back story on the genre, so you'll be well prepared. It's not scary, technically, in today's standards, but consider it in the same way you would consider the CGI from an early scifi film, the story behind does a good enough job and the score will take you the rest of the way.

    Sounds like you do! His earlier films, Fear and Desire and The Seafarers aren't out on blu, both are fairly short (29 and 62 minutes respectively) but also are middling films for the most part. It was Kubrick working out the kinks.

    I'll admit that I didn't care much for Barry Lyndon, Lolita or Eyes Wide Shut. It's been a while since I've seen them, but I have a much bigger place in my heart for his other films. I think I'd rank them as such:

    • Dr. Strangelove
    • 2001
    • Paths of Glory
    • The Killing
    • A Clockwork Orange
    • The Shining
    • Full Metal Jacket
    • Barry Lyndon/Lolita/Eyes Wide Shut

    You should, Kirk Douglas convinced Kubrick to helm the film, based on how much he loved working with him on Paths of Glory. The problem was that Kubrick was not in control creatively and felt very limited in what he wanted to do. He also felt that Spartacus was too perfect. He had no flaws, and was like a saint, which was very far from the truth. But with these hero epics of the time, that's just how it went. Kubrick was really unhappy and distanced himself from the film later on. It's an impressive film, and I possibly wouldn't own it if I hadn't bought the big universal blu ray box set. I got a lot of awesome movies there for very little money.

    It might be sad, but you're going to see them now, and that's what is important. Maybe of you'd seen them earlier, you wouldn't have appreciated them as much, we change as we age and our tastes become more accepting of what our younger selves may have rejected.

    Ha, no worries. I've got a few movies I bought months ago that I've not even opened, let alone brought near the blu ray player.

    But be forewarned, I will keep the pressure on and pester you about it!

    I have to be in the right mood to watch family guy, I generally watch a few episodes per night, I have to take some specific "medicine" for pain, and I lounge back, have a snack and watch 2-3 episodes before I go to sleep. I just watched the episode that has Brian getting in trouble for doing his business in the front yard. Lois gets some on her shoe and wipes it off using a tissue. Stevie comes in and uses the tissue. Love it.

    I'm not sure what I will move on to once I've plowed through family guy. I dislike South Park so that won't be it. Mayhaps I need to find my way back into the Simpsons. I still think it's crazy that it state whole I was a kid, and is STILL ON. That's crazyness.

    I really need to swap FG with Airplane, though. I've been dying to watch the again. Already finished Hot Shots 1 and 2, and I am even going to give Loaded Weapon another shot after many, many, many years.
  5. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Simpsons or Archer.
  6. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member


    I've watched archer through twice now. I actually loved it the most from season 2 onwards, and season 4 has had some of my favorite moments through the whole damn thing.

    Benjamin is a god among men, and Aisha Tyler with her huge hands and her "clomping" is so phenomenal. Sploosh, I say. Sploosh.

    If you like Archer, Frisky Dingo is a MUST WATCH. It's so surreal and crazy it'll blow your mind in half. I still am sad it didn't get another season... Sigh. I haven't explored Sealab 2021 yet, but I may very soon.

    Archer though, one of my favorite shows of all time. Adam Reed is a friggin genius.
  7. Sambobsung

    Sambobsung Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
    All I'm seeing is wall of text.
  8. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Didn't realize you'd seen Archer. I guess it doesn't surprise me, though.

    Yeah it's one of my favorite shows.

    I'll give Frisky Dingo a try. I'd heard people say it's good, but that's about it.
  9. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Yeah, I'm just scanning through it, only reading the stuff directed at me.

    This crap makes Connector's posts look like small talk.
  10. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    You just killed all the purpose of all those spoiler tags.
  11. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I know I used big words that probably confused you. Though your wall of text argument fails when we look at your signature that is longer than most TA posts :p

    Regardless, the discussion was meant for people that can also enjoy movies made before 1995

    Hey now. At least my posts are coherent, on topic and singularly focused, versus Connector's surreal insanity :p

    And wait, that whole post was directed specifically toward the chief any HOW (*rimshot*)

    (No offense, C-man... Love you! ;))

    I do sort of miss Kenny's posts. He would love all this horror movie talk ;)
  12. tygamr

    tygamr Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    Just finished watching Rubber. I actually liked it, despite hearing bad things about it. Has excellent cinematography. Definitely an arthouse film. Half of the stuff that happens just isn't explained, or happens for no reason
    which the 'film is a homage to'
    . I feel like the people who didn't like it were expecting something 'grand'. I do feel like it's almost too long though. If they had shortened it a bit, I feel like it would have been better.
  13. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    I will have to check it out. Is it easy to get a hold of on DVD/Blu-ray? Or is it more of an obscure film that will be tricky to find?

    Haha, that won't be necessary, but thank you for the offer :)

    Yeah, I didn't know at the time I bought the DVD, but it sounds like Touch of Evil was a terrible film for Orson Welles, due to all the creative control he didn't have, especially compared to Citizen Kane. So it's nice that they apparently have the version that he approved of, and not just the studio-eviscerated one. It should be interesting, too, because I always hear about the lack of creative control in Hollywood... but now I'll have a good basis for which to study it!

    Which audio track was the director's intended vision? I would personally like to watch the film as intended by the director the first time around... unless this score really is as amazing as you say! :eek:

    Hm... well if the imagery is haunting (especially if it's all like the imagery on the case), I'm sure I'll find a way to get creeped out. Unless those screenshots are only from small portions of the film, and the rest of it is more of a mystery thriller? :p

    Fear and Desire I have heard of, but not The Seafarers. Hm. Sounds like I won't be missing much, anyways? :p

    Eyes Wide Shut is probably my favorite. No idea why, but I seriously loved that movie. So dark and strange. <3

    Ahhh, I thought I read Spartacus was the first pairing of Kirk Douglas and Stanley Kubrick. That didn't make sense at all, so I must have read it wrong! It makes sense that Spartacus came after.

    Oh, that seriously sucks... Makes me respect Kubrick a lot more, though, knowing he wanted to portray Spartacus as the flawed individual he was, and not as an infallible godlike character. Is that what you're saying happened? The studio didn't want him portraying Spartacus in anything but the brightest and most perfect light? It would make sense for him to distance himself from that.

    Paths of Glory had more of his creative control, though, right?

    Very true with that last statement. While I feel like I was able to appreciate film as an artform much better than other folks my age, I do think I missed out on a lot of the nuances and deeper meanings for some films. In fact, Citizen Kane I didn't enjoy at all from what I saw, and I turned it off. But now that I realize what the story is about, how groundbreaking the cinematography was, how groundbreaking the entire film was for the time, and blah blah blah, I am in love with it!

    So hopefully that is the case with these other films that passed under the radar :)

    I have a bit of a problem with unopened movies, unfortunately. I'd say half my collection is unopened, maybe even more :(

    Ha! Okay. I'll try not to discourage your pestering ;)

    That sounds like the start of a cool rap verse, by the way:

    "Excuse me for my festering, but I'm gonna' be pestering... you until you watch the movies and enjoy them existentially."

    Or something... I don't know. Still have to work out the kinks! :eek:

    You could tryyyyy:

    Arrested Development
    Modern Family (not on Netflix)
    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    Orange Is the New Black (new Netflix show... I'm liking it a lot)[/QUOTE]

    Ha! What are you talking about? I put spoiler tags... :eek:

    Thanks for the heads-up, though... I put them in now. I hope I didn't spoil anyone :(

    Welcome to my universe. You don't like abrasive, overtly-long expositions that convey subjects that could be similarly conveyed in exquisitely more concise manners and in thousands words less than the original product I give to you? Then get OUT!

    :cool: :p

    Sorry, though. It's a disease. :(

    I really liked Rubber, but I have to agree it did go on a little long. It felt like the movie didn't know how to balance its satire. I mean, there were scenes of nothing happening that went on for quite a while. I know that was the point of the movie, but part of a satire is knowing when enough is enough, and I think Rubber came dangerously close to, and perhaps even crossed, that line of integrity.

    Still an interesting movie, though. I just wish when I tell someone, "It's about a killer tire!", that the actual film would be able to succeed at executing that concept in an appropriately entertaining and fun manner. :(
  14. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Going to see Turbo and Pacific Rim 3D. Been a while since the last time I wanted to see something in 3D.
  15. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009

    Let me know how you enjoy Turbo. I'm interested to hear the reception from the board! :D

    Are you seeing Turbo in 3D as well? Or just Pacific Rim?
  16. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    I've never wanted to.
  17. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    Yeah, 3D's just a money making gimmick. The only movie that actually made good use of 3D was Hugo.
  18. B34$T

    B34$T Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    World's Finest movie confirmed.
  19. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    No way, that must be fanmade.
    Edit: Scrap that, found the article.
  20. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    I seriously hope it's a rebooted Batman. We need a new batman.

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