I didn't even know Tron 2 existed. When did it come out? I saw paranormal activity 3 last night even though I thought the first one was dumb and it actually wasn't as horrible as I thought it be.
Hardly ever check this thread, but thought I would drop by to see if anyone else saw Ironman 3. Much funnier than I expected, and definitely an enjoyable movie all around. Saw Inception dropped a couple times in the last few posts. My second all time favorite only after another Nolan movie: The Prestige. Probably just as articulate and mind bending as inception, but with more depth and deeper meaning. A definite must watch for anyone who like Inception or Nolan films.
I was actually thinking about watching paranormal activity 4. Looks like I'll have to check it out. I heard there is going to be a number 5. I want to see "A Haunted House". It's a parody of paranormal activity.
weekend late watches finished watching the last 3 SAW movies.... i like the whole story best, (peoples) lifes linked/tied together, but some scenes are little hard to watch. anyone like Dark City? just watch it, some crazy sh(t and the kid is creepy. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel now watching "Jacob's Ladder" seen it years ago... looks like im on a psychotic journey!
I liked them all quite a bit, but the second was clearly the best and arguably the best superhero movie of all time. I liked the first better then the third. The third dragged at times, although it did have some of my favorite moments in the trilogy. Overall, it was an incredible trilogy, and all of the movies are among the best of superhero films.
This reassures me this movie will be terrible. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=78884
I actually really enjoyed Iron Man 3 and was extremely surprised to see all the hate on the internet. I understand some fans are disappointed about Spoiler the mandarin but it was impressive of marvel to keep it all under wraps and it's interesting that they aren't afraid of changing things up. It wasn't perfect by any means but I had a great time. It's a very solid action/comedy movie and a great way to start the summer.
Dude they just Spoiler ruined the Mandarin. It could've been great! The mandarin could've got his rings from leftover alien tech from the invasion in the Avengers, then he could've had this awesome battle with Tony. Instead, they opted for a cheap "twist" that was supposed to be funny (Trevor ) and an anti-climatic fight with Killian at the end. And that recurring "joke" with Tony's tech always breaking down was just unfunny. I'm sorry, it could have (and should have) been a LOT better.
Spoiler Trevor's reveal was ridiculous but it made me chuckle for its absurdity. I'm not saying I liked Kingsley's character, necessarily, but I didn't get butthurt about it. Maybe it would've been better with the real Mandarin, but maybe it wouldn't. It's all pure speculation, and personally i'm satisfied with what we got it appears i'm in the minority...
Spoiler I was pumped for a cruel, megalomaniacal villian about to take over the country, and only Iron Man could stop him. I expected something darker. The movie as it is was ok, my expectations were just really high.
Spoiler Valid point. I'm not familiar with the comics-I knew who the mandarin was and what he could do with some quick googling but when I went to see the movie I was pretty open minded. Although Killian kinda fits your expectations, just in a different way.
Spoiler Killian was a pretty lame villian, IMO. He was pretty cliche. It could've been sooooo much better, man.