Godfather III was disappointing. I wish I'd never seen it and just kept my mental image of the series at I and II.
I love Army of Darkness. It's still toddler stuff compared to Evil Dead. Whaddya know, I just watched Sexy Beast.
O brother where art thou is awesome. You don't like comedies though. But ninjakid would enjoy it Or maybe not. I love Gran Torino. (And million dollar baby, and anything else Eastwood directs)
Yeah. This. It's like 12 Angry Men where it's all in one room, except unlike 12 Angry Men, it's not one of the best movies ever made. In fact, it's a worthless waste of a film. Like Matrix 2 and 3, its existence and constant inclusion makes it the stupid, drunk fool of an uncle at the family reunion. It pains my soul that it has to sit next to 1 and 2. Stupid box sets. I see it as a completely different film. I love humor well more than horror, which means Army >>>>>>>> Evil Dead 2 >>>> Evil Dead 1 And now I've just imagined Gandhi as a Sexy Beast. Thanks. Eastwood is pretty good, but VERY sappy and heavy handed with his emotional stuff. I mean crap, Million Dollar Baby was so obvious and, I forget the term for the whole forced sentimentality is, but I swear that said, I really enjoyed the movie, but I mean sheesh. I might see Torino one day, but it's so far down the list it might be around the time my kids graduate grad school. Hah, Eastwoods hey?
I generally can't stand comedy movies. They all try so hard and it just makes the fail even more painful to watch. You have to wade through oceans of crap before you find one worth seeing. Regular movies with humorous elements though... that's good. It feels far more natural. But in regards to AoD and ED2: One is merely an above-average horror with comedy elements while the other is a prime example of horror with comedy elements.
Thanks, will be watching them first. I only chose Revolutionary Road after seeing Sam Mendes as the director. I had just watched Road to Pertition at that point which is a friggin fantastic movie. I like some comedies! Borat was funny, I had never laughed so hard in Liar Liar, loved Rush Hour also. I'm sure there are a few others... We need to build a list of movies ninjackid has to watch. And you have to watch it in the list order!! I propose: 1. Django 2. Match Point 3. Up in the Air 4. Road to Perdition 5. Million Dollar Baby I asked you to watch Perdition like a week ago :'(
I completely... Agree with killjoy. Up is down. Down is up. Black is white. My stick of gentlemanly origin is double the average. The world is ending, and I'm afraid.