This thread is all about movies, those of past, those in the future and those that are out currently. If you're interested in a movie, or like one you have recently seen, post up the trailer right here and we can all talk to our little hearts' content! I'm personally extremely interested in Inception and Super 8, I'm also looking forward to a few others but those are my big two. Ever since watching DiCaprio in Shutter Island, one of my all time favorites, I can't wait to see his next flick and JJ Abrams is one of my favorite directors (Cloverfield and Star Trek were epic!) so pairing him with Spielburg seems like a great idea!
I am also super excited about Inception. And the super 8 teaser was awesome, can't wait for that either.
Summer 2010,0,607458,showall.photogallery Most popular movie stocks
Anyone see Robin Hood yet? I saw it yesterday and thought it was underwhelming. I'm curious to see what you guys opinions on it are
No one cares, but here's my top ten movies: 1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2. The Godfather 3. The Godfather 2 4. The Dark Knight 5. Amadeus 6. Silence of the Lambs 7. No Country for Old Men 8. Fellowship of the Ring 9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 10. Dr. Strangelove I need to see Pulp Fiction.
I saw it on Saturday... WAY, WAY to long... luckily I busied myself with the Taco Bell I snuck in including an Oreo Pie
I have to go watch it for my friend's birthday... Basically I'm gonna go to the movies, watch Shrek 4, turn around, go to Taco Bell, eat dog food, then go back to the movies to watch McGruber.
I saw iron man 2 yesterday. It was accully pretty good. I also saw a trailer for the last airbender and being a big fan of the cartoon im worried how it will transition into action. Special effects look good. Any thoughts on this?
My top 5 Favorite movies 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Insomnia 3. Akira 4. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy 5. Empire Strikes Back
The TV show kicked ass and so will this movie, one of the best ever. M. Night will redeem himself. Or fail. I'm excited to see what Inception is all about. But 2010 Summer releases as a whole... I'm not too excited over, compared to last year and the year before.
Inception!!!!!! I watched the trailer 5 times and i have no idea what the heck it is about. Something about dreams or whatever.
Yeah inception looks very vague. That's the whole point of the trailers though, to hopefully get you interested to see what it's about. Anyways, one movie I'm looking forward to is "Tucker and Dale vs Evil". It has only played at some of the film festivals (sundance, sxsw) but it got great reviews and I'm a huge fan of the horror-comedy genre (Shaun of the Dead is ****ing amazing). Check out the trailer.