Universal Motorsport Manager (by Christian West)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. ChristianWest

    ChristianWest Member

    Aug 23, 2014
    Nice post Nachtfischer! Good work! :)
  2. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Christian, did you see my suggestions? Also the graphic error (writing backwards) on the cars tyres in title screen?
  3. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Also is it possible to select red colour cars at the start of the game? I don't think I seen red, but there's red cars in the game
  4. Kimiko

    Kimiko Member

    May 29, 2014
    Thank you Nachtfischer!!! :D:D

    Sorry. Another question :p

    How to spot the safety car in the race?

    When is the best chance or timing to let the racer return back to pits so that they can catch up to higher rank faster?

    What are the different between soft and hard tires? I often use hard tires at the start and till the end since it won't worn up as fast as soft.

    Will you send the young driver to race?

    I can maintain 1st/2nd but 2 laps before the race ends, my rank drops to 6/7 :( it is so depressing... and the people scold me donkey :(.... oh my....
  5. ChristianWest

    ChristianWest Member

    Aug 23, 2014
    @Bloodangel I have seen your posts. I'll out the red colour in once the latest update has gone live.

    @ Kimiko

    How to spot the safety car in the race?
    A safety car comes out if there's been a crash. At the moment it can be very hard to predict (safety cars are anyway) but I'd like to message this out better.

    When is the best chance or timing to let the racer return back to pits so that they can catch up to higher rank faster?
    Try and pit before the tire condition is too low. Don't leave it too late unless you have to. Pit before about 25% of the tire is left.

    What are the different between soft and hard tires? I often use hard tires at the start and till the end since it won't worn up as fast as soft.
    The soft tires are quicker (generally 3 seconds a lap) but because they wear out faster you'll need to pit for new tires more often.

    Hard tires are slower but can last longer which can save you a pitstop.

    Will you send the young driver to race?
    You can if you want to. The young drivers become more useful as the game goes on. Young drivers can improve to the point of being better than your current tier.

    I can maintain 1st/2nd but 2 laps before the race ends, my rank drops to 6/7 it is so depressing... and the people scold me donkey .... oh my....
    Ha. That's all part of the fun. Sounds like you're pitting for new tires too late. :)
  6. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    A follow-up question: Do young drivers still improve after you promote them?
  7. cooltea

    cooltea Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 19, 2011
    #167 cooltea, Aug 25, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    EDIT: oh ChristianWest answered quicker than I did. Still, it seems I got the gist of it.

    I am not sure it shows up, if it does it is a yellow circle. You know the safety car is there because:
    1- you have a notification
    2- all the race cars form a line

    The safety car is only there when there has been an accident as Nachtfischer described.

    I usually send the pilots back to the pit when the tyres are 3/4 or 4/5 worn out. More than that and it really affects the performances.

    I am not sure but when the same pilot uses hard tyres in a dry weather, they are consistently 3 to 4 seconds slower. The main interest of hard tyres is that they'll last longer.

    Someone mentioned before in the thread that they do not see the point. You can compare the driver's skills in an absolute way (larger figures meaning better skills) and since time does not affect the driver's skills...

    I find that the strategy in the choice of tyres depending on the weather/number of stops really affects the final ranking. Well that and your current car's performances :)
  8. Kimiko

    Kimiko Member

    May 29, 2014
    WOW! Thanks guys for the awesome reply :D

    what do you mean " you're pitting for new tires too late?? "


    Is it worth to invest on young racers at the start?

    and...... why isn't there more compliment when I won the race by 1st and 2nd... :( I got in 4th and got tweeted #noobs... LOL.
  9. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Do young drivers improve on their own or do you have to actually race them?
  10. jn2002dk

    jn2002dk Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2009
    If you let the tires drop below 25% your drivers will lose grip and drive slower which is probably why you lose 1/2nd in the last 2 laps

    You probably need to squeeze one extra pit stop in somewhere

    In my limited experience you can get some very talented young drivers so yea, if you have the money it's worth it
  11. dragon4ever

    dragon4ever Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    Will this game be released for Android?
  12. cooltea

    cooltea Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 19, 2011
    From what I have read and what I've observed, the drivers never improve whether they are experienced or young.

    The answer below from ChristianWest seems to contradict what I just wrote:

    ... but I think this means that the newly scouted young drivers are better (depending on the amount of money you've put into the young drivers' programme).
  13. Game.PN

    Game.PN Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Going to the prison called "School"
    Earth,Milky Way
    Yep it will release on android it'll be in a few weeks
  14. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    I also have not seen that the Young drivers improve with experience or time. It seems the only way to get better young drivers is to upgrade the program and rescout a new driver. This effectively makes the young driver program useless until you've got the money to spent quite a lot on upgrading the program. Making the first few levels of the young driver program just quick stepping stones to get to the higher levels.

    It's a shame that you can't just upgrade the program to improve the stats on your current young drivers. It's hard to create any kind of loyalty in this game as it seems the only way to improve your employees is to release them and higher new ones.

    I think that's a fine design decision for the engineers and experienced drivers but it seems like the Young drivers should be people you'd want to keep around to watch them grow.
  15. dragon4ever

    dragon4ever Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    That's great news. I can't wait to play it.
  16. Hard_Squirrel

    Hard_Squirrel Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
    I couldn't agree more. With no way to improve your driver's ratings, there is no loyalty to them which in turn means there's no 'attachment' to them. It reduces the RPG element by changing drivers each year.

    It would be great to have a young driver that climbs the ranks along with your racing team as you are both getting better over time.

    A good model would be to have a hidden 'potential' rating for each driver. So some drivers will increase moderately with experience but some significantly as they have higher potential.
  17. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Your current drivers should also improve as they gain experience the more they drive. It makes sense. Still a good game tho, considering I always thought management sims were a stupid idea.
  18. carlisimo

    carlisimo Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
    #178 carlisimo, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Given the size the “team” developing this game, it’s absolutely incredible! Glad to hear there are optimizations on the way – it definitely taxes my iPad2 more than I’d expect. The first sign is incomplete graphics – facial features, text boxes, images… some layers disappear until I click on something (then they come back).

    Where do you want bug reports? Here? Facebook? You’ve probably heard these already, but I feel like I might as well post them:

    I’m fine with same-sex “marry me” tweets by fans, but if you didn’t intend it, you should know it’s happening!
    When a secondary sponsorship contract expires, it’s often the primary sponsor that gets mentioned in the tweet.
    I once saw a “(My team) is running away with the competition! I hope (my team) can catch them!” tweet.
    Also, "I'm coming for you, (#1 driver)!" tweeted by himself.
    Purple timing dots don’t seem to work right – I’ve seen three purple sectors not result in a faster qualifying lap.
    Dry tires seem to be faster than wet tires when the blue beaker is filled up to the base of its neck. That still seems very wet!
    Overtaking messages sometimes give the wrong place number (e.g. 14th instead of 3rd). I think it usually happens during pit stop windows.
    Overtaking messages probably last too long on screen.
    Not a bug, but it’d be very useful to be able to see recent messages during the race. And (bigger request here) to see one driver’s recent lap or sector times.
    It’d be helpful if the Safety Car were announced with an “SC” graphic in addition to the yellow parallelogram around the lap indicator. Otherwise it just looks like there’s a yellow flag out.
    I also wouldn’t mind if conserve/normal/push were reset after changing tires.

    Naturally I hope there’s more in this game’s future, in terms of teams and driver names hanging around and aging, more detail in teammate battles, more accessibility to timesheet data - though you already have our money, and it was money well earned. Thanks for the great game.
  19. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    A question about qualifying...Why are there position numbers (if the driver is in 1st, or 2nd) in the driver info panels? If a driver can start a qualifying run while other drivers are alread on the track, this position info has no meaning. If it was 1st meaning 'fastest lap' then it'd make sense.
  20. Cotch

    Cotch Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    If I could go back to day 1 I'd not get my youth driver levelled at all, I've not had 1 driver in 6 seasons be better than my actual drivers

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