Hello everyone! I'm excited to bring you Motorscape, a tough-as-nails top-down arcade game. Your goal is to go as far as possible, without crashing... But if you make it too far, missiles and other heavy weaponry will quickly become a vital concern. The game is nearing completion at rapid speeds, and I'm very excited to share some gameplay gifs with the TA-community today. Some people are very hellbent on catching you! Oil is slippery Missile Incomming Money collected! We're expecting an early-april release on App Store. If you are interested in beta testing, please leave your email in a private message! We hope to commence beta testing as soon as possible. This is our first app to be published in the app store, so it goes to say we're as nervous as we are excited. I'm going to try and keep this thread updated on at least a weekly basis! Stay tuned for more gifs!
Being chased can be quite stressful Our intent is to make everything chasing you fill an actual role. For instance, the police car will help you determine your health, as the smoke coming of your motorbike does. Stay tuned for more info on the helicopter!
I'm back after a brief break! Oil is an in-game element that appears frequently, impairing your ability to drive quite heavily if you don't steer clear of it!
The game is now released and you can find our thread here on TA at http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=4005591!