Most disappointing games of 2010

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Aussie2, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. Somerandomdude

    Somerandomdude Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Doing nothing of importance.
    I honestly cringed when I read that... All of my favorite games, by the standards of when I was playing them, really don't have great, or even good graphics, for that matter. When most of them came out the visuals were amazing, but by today's standards they'd be mediocre at best. What did last, though, was gameplay. The games were just amazing, and I walked away from them remembering them for their gameplay as well as story, but none for the graphics. Great graphics age, great gameplay doesn't.

    /rant on graphics.

    Either way, I actually didn't play most games from 2010... I had quite a few times where I either couldn't afford to get any of the latest games, or for one reason or another didn't have access to my Xbox and ended up playing PS2 instead. I think the biggest disappointment could be that I had more fun playing the PS2 games than I did the 360 ones.
  2. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Yeah graphics aren't too important. If they were Ninja Gaiden Black wouldn't still be one of the best games evaaaar.
  3. Link6746

    Link6746 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2009
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    #23 Link6746, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
    My biggest dissipointment of all time is in Vampire the masquerade: Redemption... not for any reason except that by the time I played it, WoN was down forever and playing in multiplayer meant complex hamachi setup and waiting, or otherwise actually having interested people over WITH THEIR COMPUTERS.

    As a result,it's multiplayer was ruined for me, and it was the best aspect of it too. I bought it hoping to play multiplayer. My expectations were dashed when I saw the lack of any other overriding options.

    This year though it'd have to be not getting to play ME2 because of giving my sister my computer, then having her not give me the time of day afterwards.
  4. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2010
    I didn't play the original PuzzleQuest, only PQII....and it rocks.

    Are you saying there weren't enough differences between PQ and PQII to justify the cost of having both?
  5. iPhondTouch3G

    iPhondTouch3G Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Crysis came out in 2007. Outstanding gameplay. One of the best singleplayer campaigns ever (multiplayer was mediocre though) and I have yet to see a game that can beat it in graphical quality. Crysis 2 will beat it, and from what I've played, it's campaign is still downright awesome. Multiplayer feels like a CoD rip off now but it still loads of fun.

    And to the other guy that said I need to respect Black Ops. Maybe if every single player in multiplier didn't carry around a damn FAMAS or AK I would like it. In MW2 there was a lot of variety. PArt of the team was snipers, shotgun ppl, smg people, pistol people, assault rifle people, etc. In black ops 90% of the people are using the same exact damn class. Same perks, same weapon, same everything. Trust me getting noob tubed occasionally in mw2 feels much better than dying from a damn FAMAS every single time in Blops. As for the campaign Blops had a decent one but I liked MW2's better. So far I've only had fun with zombies in Black Ops.

    And yes, Bad Company 2 was miles better than both of them. It had a terrible campaign but the multiplayer was vastly better, more balanced, bigger maps, more players, more fun, (and wayyy better graphics :p).

    Battlefield 3 campaign appears to be decent and graphics almost Crysis level.
  6. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I have a feeling that Crysis 2 will be on this list next year. Every gameplay video I've seen make it look tremendously dull -- guess we'll see.

    My biggest disappointment last year was without a doubt Mafia II. I actually liked the combat, and I even appreciated the limited open world structure -- two of the major complaints from reviewers. The recreation of 1950's "New York" was outstanding, and the characterizations and voice acting were memorable and convincing. But man, the story blew big time. Not only did it feature every Mafia cliche in the book (which frankly could have been okay), it flat out made no sense -- by the end of the second act you're supposed to be high up in the mob, but you're living in a flop house. At no point do you ever see anything attractive about being a gangster. And the ending was just remarkably stupid: you're supposed to feel bad that your moral choices got your best friend killed, but in fact you made zero moral choices in the entire game. The whole thing was a depressingly empty experience, made worse by the fact that the elements were all there for a remarkable game.
  7. iPhondTouch3G

    iPhondTouch3G Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Dull? I've played the Crysis 2 campaign (the first two missions...out of 20-25 i think?) and it is by no means dull. It's world is not linear at all, completely open world (although not as open as the original), so many options in combat, I'm already hooked to the storyline (too bad now I have to wait until the release to continue), graphics in campaign are downright phenomenal (although multiplayer demo is iffy), much more action packed than its predecessors.

    But I guess we're entitled to our own opinions and tastes.

    I'm looking forward to Battlefield 3 and MW3 as well.
  8. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    You may very well be right. The gameplay videos have just not appealed to me at all, and visually it just seems kind of bland. But that could very well just be me.
  9. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States
    #29 Donovan1209, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
    My disappointments of the year, hmm. Out of the games I bought I have none. But I was going to buy MoH until I read the reviews. So I guess that counts. No, it's been a great year for me. 2011 should be even better, but the more good games mean more disappointments sadly. I expect Crysis 2 to fail, along with the new CoD. Battlefield 3 and Brink will bring the multiplayer for 2011. inFamous 2, Uncharted 3, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Portal 2, Resistance 3, Rage, and Arkham City will also be great games, and I plan on buying most of those I just listed.

    Ha, ha, ha. That made me chuckle a bit. Are you like 12 or 13 or something? The multiplayer was worse than MW2 (and I disliked MW2). Graphics were not great, along with glitches and bugs. Zombies is the only decent thing in that game. Otherwise it's same old same old

    YESSS!!! BF3 is gonna pwn this years CoD game too!

    What about in Uncharted? :p Store and graphics make that game what it is, if those things sucked, it would not be half the game it is.

    Yes, I agree with this. But Battlefield 3's engine is just stellar! Can't believe what the multiplayer will be like, hopefully quite a bit like BC2.
  10. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Bioshock 2 was the most disappointing game I ever played. Came out in 2010 and everyone forgot about it.
  11. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States
    Yah, I didn't even remember that it had come out this year, it sucked so people forgot. Bring on Bioshock: infinite!
  12. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    If Uncharted had been a PS1 game it would have been regarded just as highly. The closest thing I can think of is Syphon Filter but even with the downgraded graphics U2 would blow that away.
  13. iphoneprogrammer

    iphoneprogrammer Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Financial Analyst for Baines and Ernst
    London, UK
    hahahhahahahahahaha. The RESPECT it deserves? Trey Arch needs to leave the series alone and move on to something new. The game was terrible especially the online component. MW2 beat black ops in terms of online balanced gameplay. Now you could argue that MW2 had tons more hacks and thats true, to an extent, overall MW2 wins.
  14. iphoneprogrammer

    iphoneprogrammer Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Financial Analyst for Baines and Ernst
    London, UK
    YES!!!! greatest. game. ever. hopefully. please dont **** this up 2k....please.

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