The more I get better and learn the lines of each level, the more I see the pros and cons of the 'clockwork' concept that the game has. Some maps have segments that make everything you do before it insignificant, because you have to wait for a platform/wall raise. You can be a full second ahead of someone, then you both are on the same time because of these timed obstacles. While I love the level design in general, I do find this to be a flaw, especially in terms of speedrunning. This limits the time gap in between players. The harder levels have many more segments like this, and that's why I tend to prefer the easier levels. I think it would be really important to keep this in mind for any others levels you guys design, Physmo. I can give you plenty of examples of these limiting obstacles if you'd like.
That is strange because while I do see forms of what you are saying there is still plenty of room to differentiate yourself from others. A lot of your times are great examples of this. The blessing and the curse is that once you've done it, I can see it and just copy it, so it feels like there isn't much differentiation. Plenty of room to make huge gains especially in the stages 4 and 5 due to their difficulty though. If I could just actually make a full run of 5-5 I would have the best time beat by a huge margin as an example. By definition the easier levels will have the closest times because more people can do them in one go and make less mistakes or more optimizations however you like to see it.
I'm split on the checkpoints. I do like a challenge,but i have to admit,starting from the beginning of a level when trying to get a skull does get quite tiresome at times.especially as i'm one of those people who like to complete a level fully before moving onto the next. Having said that,i like the game as it is.Just wish i could dedicate more time to it.
When I say time gap, I don't mean more end time compared to other levels. I can't think of a better way to describe it, but I'm talking about what the time gap could be vs what it is because of those waiting obstacles. 3-6 is a great example. That whole beginning has people that are about 1 second off of each other (which is a lot), but it doesn't matter because it all comes down to who jumps off the last floating platform at the best time. I know there's more to the level, but these waiting obstacles really ruin the Speedrun element of some maps in my opinion.
Difficulty in old school games was different though. You had the limited lives, sure, but I dont know if the games themselves were so much more difficult. In both Sonic and Mario games you do not die when you hit an enemy once, if you have enough rings (or a shield) or are suited up. That makes those games a lot easier to me. Its true that IF you die the penalties are harsher because of the limited lives, but I think the chance of dying was lower. Also keep in mind that even back then many people found games too difficult and cheats and later on even cheating devices were very common. No, that's not true! I think that most people who bought Mos Speedrun 2 like retro platformers and like some kind of challenge. I think challenge can be found in different things, and it depends on the person. It can be challenging to find all the coins, all the skulls, for example. And then there's the speedrun challenge. And there's challenge in overcoming a single level-part, knowing how to get passed an enemy, getting stuck there a dozen times and then figuring out how to do it. One of my favorite iOS games is Bobbing and it has tons of challenge, even though it has short levels and many checkpoints. Many of those games have special modes for hardcore players, where you get something (a badge, a medal, extra points) for finishing the level in one run, or within a certain time. Finishing in itself might not give that great feeling of accomplishment, but that's what finishing 100% is for. I have this with many puzzle games all the time (Divide by Sheep is a recent example). If you consider them finished when you have one-starred all the levels there is zero challenge for me (but there might be for someone else), so I just do not consider the game finished until I have 3-starred everything. But it doesn't detract from my enjoyment that someone else considers the game finished when they have 1-starred everything. No offense taken, but I did want to reply I think you probably underestimate the huge skill difference between players. There's a big difference between getting stuck in level 4-3 and in level 1-3. If I have finished all the levels until 4-3 and then get stuck, I know that I can probably finish that level too, and I have already invested a lot in the game. If I'm stuck (or frustrated) in 1-3 I figure the game just isn't for me (and thats okay!). (I did continue the game because of this discussion and I do think I gave up too soon. Maybe just making the first three levels a tad easier to avoid frustrating people so early on would already help. I hope the update helps with that. )
@Lena: I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that something should be done to make it easier. I just know it was a good feeling beating the game, and now others wouldn't be able to experience it to the same effect if it's much easier. I'm glad you came back to it. To continue my thoughts on the waiting obstacles....the way I see it is there is four possibilities: 1. The person who timed the level is faster than me and able to get to those obstacles at a time where they don't have to wait (ideal). 2. There is a route in the level that I haven't found (ideal). 3. I'm faster than the person who timed the level, so I get to those obstacles before expected (not ideal). 4. I found a route that the level designer wasn't aware of (not ideal).
Those obstacles also add an element of timing as fast as you can off them too. Otherwise the levels would just be how hard do I press jump here and never stop because I know that's how the level was made. It kinda cuts both ways for me.
The question is whether we're hitting the right line/going fast enough. If we are, I find it to be poor level design to force people to wait on the optimal line. All it really does is let people behind you catch up, essentially making your run pointless up until then. Like 5-4: Me, you, and Felipe (steam) got to the first rope at very different times, but we are all within a second from each other because we have to wait for that platform to come out of lava. I'm 100% sure we aren't hitting the level right in this case, though.
As someone who has completed all badges except speed on 3-6 (not possible yet) and 5-6 (I am going to get this or die trying), I personally think infinite checkpoints/lives is a mistake. The game is hard. No doubt about it. But, it is this difficulty that makes it incredibly addicting/frustrating, and oh-so-rewarding. There is so much in this game. I personally would hate to see it "watered down". But, to each his own. If devs feel it will garner more mainstream acceptance by adding an "easier" option, who am I to argue? Incredible game. Can't wait for the 3-6 fix so I can finally get 120 badges.
You should totally tell me where the skulls are, because I don't want to go through all that. My goal is to get the fastest time on all levels at the same time. Four levels left. I've been struggling on these last few though.
I tried a couple times once I saw this post but I can't get to that point due to intoxication. I will take your word for it though because I could see that vs my old ghost you are much farther ahead than me(who knew the fire didn't always kill you? kudos). 5-6 must also be an error on speedrun time. I could maybe pull 10s off the time but no way can I get 80s(EIGHTY) off of it and I have the #1 time now lol.
It does. I just got stupidly close. Sometimes the replays don't show the level timing correct. Like on 3-2 somebody floats because the big drill thing at the end isn't out of the wall on my screen. I was going at 5-5. There's only so many runs I can lose at the very end before I rage quit. And for 5-6 I was ahead of you twice after the long elevator but I just don't know the level after that. And I got .001 of 1-1 WR fml. EDIT: 1-1 is all I need now. I'm going to assume the target time on 5-6 isn't possible.
No like on my screen especially at the third flame breather thing at the top all you wait for is the noise and you can literally jump into the flames and not die. I would have never thought to try and push the limits of that. 5-5 is insane. I had a really good run but was a few seconds behind the timer. I haven't tried again because that was a solid hour worth of tries just to complete it once. 4-3 I can't get all the coins due to complete frustration with not knowing where those black bugs are and it feels like pure luck. Maybe add those red indicators for those bugs too? It is just so crazy that there is still so much left to complete in a game that is 2 dollars. I am shocked that this isn't getting as much attention. It is a great time waster while I am bored waiting at work for tables to come in, but my coworkers wonder why I am always mumbling obscenities under my breath.
Oh, that part. Yeah that part is sketchy. Same with the big moving spike obstacle at the beginning of 5-4. What timer on 5-5? Are you saying you didn't get to an obstacle fast enough? Yeah, the coins on 4-3 are ridiculous. Don't even want to try because of how dark it is in that area. Agreed about the replay value. And I'm glad somebody is playing it as hard as I am.