Impossible to play with online profile. What happens if you play with the offline? do you lose all progress after leaving?
Well according to the developers, you need to sign into a WBLive account in order to have your game saved to the cloud. With that saved, your game save is locked to your device if you choose not to have an online profile. Also, I played for many days before signing up to WBLive or an online profile; my progress was NOT lost by switching between online and offline.
Spectral is interesting paired with something strong. Master of souls paired with mournful katana has opening x-ray attack which is pretty crazy good.
Support buffs don't show in the character sheet but do affect the fight. Support cards work, except the power generation ones.
It's weird, silver Ermac's passive is supposed to be similar to Spectral's, but I don't think it works (he still feels weak).
my tower's 20 and 21 are not updating to the fallen tower picture even if i beat them multiple times... is there some sort of special conditions to beat it?
Pretty much. Wondering if with all the glitches they are holding off on the Raiden challenge. Would really like to see them kick that off.
Perfect example of a big developer making a garbage game & not dealing with any of its issues. They get away with it by using the fame and history of a great game series. They made a non-fighting fighting game we should accept b/c it's really a card collecting game. They did not build on what was a good taste of what can be done with a touch fighting game, but rather made a clicker game. Buy civcrafter if you want a clicker game. I cannot believe online is broken!!! Why do I have this "game" on my iPad!!!???
I'm assuming you mean the inferno scorpion right? If that is what you mean then well, he does have a great passive but you need good timing for it. He does probably have the best stas overall out of all of the buyable characters but he is 350 souls. You could buy almost 3 Kombat Packs for that much which could give you an entire gold team so I would say build up a good gold team or try to get all three of your teams with full gold characters, and then I would start saving for specific fighters for fusion. Hope that helped.
I already have a (relatively) solid Team (Gold Kenshi, Gold Sonya, Rank 3 Silver Kenshi), so I was just "Kollecting Characters" that I liked. But Thank You for your advice. (Side note: a) How do you add a profile picture to your account? and b) Does anyone know when Faction Wars will be up for iOS?)