Bug report: this mission after killing the first flying boss has a bug. If instead of killing the pterodactyl-ish boss you go down and around and get to the tree before killing it, and then you get to kill it, when you get the arc piece, instead of saying mission complete, it leaves you wondering around the planet with the mission "you need to investigate the Morphite". I had to leave the planet, come back to the checkpoint save and kill the boss again. This time I killed him on the platform where I was expected to kill him, went to the tree and got the mission complete.
hmm, you should be able to kill him anywhere in that level, because his death triggers the opening of the tree door... Will check that out.
The tree opened and I got the arc fragment, but the end of mission cinematic didn't activate. The boss got stuck in the sky before I was able to kill him. By jumping to higher levels he finally got unstuck and I was able to shoot at him. There's a trinket in this level too. The order I did was activate the boss fight, find the trinket, kill the boss. Maybe this was the problem... (I know, I know: who goes on exploration with a boss around... I'm like that )
It's me Hi it's me I'm back. I've been keeping up with this game but I haven't posted on the thread for awhile. I've bought it. It's amazing. Only I have one problem. I'm stuck as I hoped I could go back an upgrade my fire resistance on the Dubei system but I cannot get back to the upgrader. I've found 2 more but they have no upgrades. Any advice? But even tho I'm stuck I've had a great time being it. Exploring almost every planet I can land on to its fullest
Played a while longer and have some more impressions and a couple of questions Runs pretty smooth on original iPad Air, even with shadows. Forget the experimental stuff though, frame rate tanks. Planetvenvironments are pretty cool so far. I like the graphical style for sure. When I leave a planet and go to a station or land on another planet does it auto Save? Or does it only save when when you see the screen message saving at checkpoint? Can you make a way to move the bottom fire, tool select and jump buttons slightly? On my iPad Air the top buttons are pretty much nicely placed in the corners. The bottom ones are about an inch or two above where they should be. They are about 1/3 up the screen, right where I put my thumbs on the screen to move and aim. It would be nice if they were lower, in the corners like the top buttons. As it is now Im constantly hitting either tool select or weapon fire when trying to move and steer. Great game, I do suck at FPS touch controlling though, having a hard time shooting anything.
First amazing amazing game! Small bug when using a mifi controller in a space battle the trigger button does not shoot the cannon Edit one last glitch to report Nargul is stuck in the air and won't attack
Bug Bug report: I decided to go mountain climbing not only somehow breaking the barrier but also finding something interesting.
For now do you just want to restart at the checkpoint? He should reset his position and get interested in you again.
Some suggestions Quick weapon button so i can switch which weapon immediately w/o going to the menu Also not sure what youve got to do with the combat but its hard to aim and i would have to sometimes tap the creature multiple times to lock
Great game, but... Two potential bugs: 1) You can harvest every rare bioscan an infinite number of times. Just stand there, spam the scan, and then sell them all at a station. Makes chunks pretty trivial. I currently have about 15k with nothing left to spend it on. 2) Just picked up Stealth on Setasha and activated it in my suit. Appears not to work. Big tree guys aggro soon as I get close.
Internet connection required? Not sure if someone already asked, is a internet connection required at all times? This game looks awesome and I'd love to sink my teeth in it while commuting...
We have fixed #1 already and it will be in the next update. I think #2 isn't actually broken, the tree things would aggro you a lot sooner if you didn't have the stealth ability. I'll check and make sure though.
Well Apple says they won't refund my money. So thanks crescent moon games for not stating it doesn't work on iPad mini 1, letting the game download onto an incompatible device and ripping me off £7.99.
DONT DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE IPAD MINI 1, they'll take your money but it's not compatible. AND APPLE HAVE REFUSED ME A REFUND!!!