Indeed it does! I've only been able to see the first 3 minutes, and I'm dying to see the 9 remaining.
i'm waiting for this from its first announcement... if that's what i think and hope, it'll be the Game of the Century for me
I stopped watching it after the first few minutes. Want to have that initial excitement when i play that game for the first time !
Looks amazing. So this is free roam for the procedurally generated planets? Can you just keep roaming the surface of a planet forever without it circling back? I see in the video that minerals can upgrade your weapon. Is there only a single weapon? How is weapon/armor/item itemization done? Procedurally also?
sorry guys if i am a bit skeptical and negative, but the more i see the more a feel that this one is not a really open world game... be clear, only God knows how much i want this game, i NEED this game, but also NEED an open world, i'm really tired of games that claim to be endless and truly open, and then they're merely mission based, or worst, all in predefined paths or campaigns (unfortunately they're all almost that way in mobile world). looking at this last video i see a technically wonderful game, but also see a first not too long PATH GUIDED mission in a not too large territory (i know i know, it's a kind of short tutorial), but i would like to know if it is all in that way and if it has a guided campaign mostly... if it's so, i could get bored soon, despite the number of planets and the outstanding grafx, i'm an old school gamer and first of all i need playability over graphical greatness, and then i would love to have real exploration liberty, i really need this from a game at this point, don't know if you understand what i mean... i know maybe a game like the one i'm looking for could be of several gb, so i don't think this will be the case just because we are in the mobile market, and maybe that's why i'm always on the defensive everytime a new open world is announced. we'll see next week.
Yes, actually I found a post where he answers that question plus the weapon question. Its not free roam like walking all over the planet. But rather, he says, like Metroid where you move from one area to the next. Here is his old post so you dont have to search for it:
Thanks for scanning the thread, I was too lazy to do it but knew it had been said Josh also mentioned that when you go from planet to planet you can fall into a space battle kind of minigame. I always tend to compare Morphite to Stellar Horizon. The former has a very deep planet exploration a la Metroid, while the latter is more focused on the space travel and trading, and while it also has planet exploration (grid based), it's much simpler than the one developed in Morphite. I'm eagerly waiting to buy it next Thursday. @Josh: can you advance the approximate install size and minimum iOS?
thanks for the post, i've missed that one from Josh... it's like i thought, not a free world at all, it will be a wonderful game though. i mean, would have liked to see a sort of Stellar Horizon, or a real open world like that, but with Morphite grafx style and gameplay, it would be my dream come true...
I think I may have explained it before but planets are sort of like procedural dungeons. There are 'rooms' or areas of various sizes connected to each other. Some of them are really big, so it will feel like an open world game. Some planets have smaller layouts, but there are a ton of them to explore so there is a very good variety.
@Gwarmaxx what I understand from this compared to Stellar Horizon, which is what you and I are used to, is that planets are not infinite in the sense that you can advance forever. Nonetheless I don't think this is bad, because all the sandbox games have a world ending sooner or later, be it a wall, the sea, a mountain which can't be climbed, etc. The planets in this game seem to have many interesting things to be found while exploring. In the 12 minute video, if you look carefully, you'll see the starmap is made of many systems (30-40?) and each system is made of several planets (I think the tutorial system is 3 planets). That's a hundred of systems to explore minimum, and we don't know yet if the starmap can be moved to the sides, so it could be even more. That's many hours of gaming for sure of course I'd love a game made of Stellar Horizon's universe size (4 billion planets to explore) and free space traveling with Morphite's deep exploration of planets. That would be a dream made true, but meanwhile I'll have both games together in the same folder to switch between one and the other
the starmap is actually 10,000 x 10,000 stars wide. So approximately 100-300 million planets to explore. Of course, these are all variations of the content that we currently have, but we do have a really good amount of content (and will be adding even more after launch)
Ever so slowly the "instabuy" people start crawling away. It's like a shoe store where the customer ask for a certain style size fit etc, when you get them all that they have asked for they'll say " do you have it in fill in the blank color" that there sure doesn't exist You don't have that color? too bad I really wanted it too oh well It looks like an awesome game that took a lot of time and effort to make and I look forward to seeing the end results. CM games have delivered on their promises of a good game more times than not and I believe that this will be no different Good luck with the launch and I'll see you in the Featured spot of the App Store
Wow! I hope you also keep track of the number of planets explored and such. This is going to be amazing! Nah, we're just talking about planet size and such. I'm pretty sure Gwarmaxx will instabuy as fast as me
This will probably be game of the year (mobile). Possibly contending with Iron Marines, I was hoping Exiles of Embermark would be on the list but looks like it'll be 2018, what else...and also Shadowgun Legends...but it may be 2018 as well so....maybe just one of the two...IM, or Morphite. I'm not sure what else could hope to contend...oh wait..Warhammer Quest 2! Ok three lol.
yeaaah VBF, at this point you know me very well wednesday i'm going to hit the buy button before all of you, for sure... don't worry dreadnok, we're just arguing about open worlds... the matter is sometimes i dream with an open living universe with tons of planets, space stations, abandoned starships, etc, to visit and explore without any kind of main plots, missions or guided paths, and with the same Morphite wonderful art style... maybe is too early for that, even on a home console/computer, 'cause promises have been so many in these years, but nobody still gives us such jewel. hey VBF, how many planets did Josh say? 100/300 millions????? WTH!!! it's going to be the end of my social life! edit > @JoshCM you could add in the future some large abandoned/ghost starships to board and explore for loot, as it happens with dungeons/caves in planets.
I feel like Grid Autosport should be in there. Even if its a port. Finally a premium racer with no pay to play RR3 shenanigans. Also, isnt the Oceanhorn sequel this year? And the mobile reincarnation is FF XV.... I think its going to be a good rest of year for premium gamers.
I dunno, I really don't care how large the initial universe would be, I care about the fun part. The former can be expanded by updates. Given the 12-minute video, I have more confident in the latter part.