Monument Valley insights with creator-"[games]are often talked about in a derogatory"

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by docutale, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. docutale

    docutale New Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Some great insights here from Monument Valley creator Neil McFarland and his team at USTWO. cool read.

    "Games are not given the right public scrutiny that they need. They are often talked about in a derogatory manner on TV and in film, that’s why we were so over the moon when House of Cards used Monument Valley.I think people need to start considering the economic power and the amount of time people spend gaming as well. It’s still treated as a novelty."

    "Sometimes I think there are too many people making games altogether. There are just so many games and I can’t play them all, so I don’t know if I’m missing good ones. On the flip-side, there are clearly a lot of bad games getting made because it’s too easy to make them."

    "I think the gaming industry is something that Apple have been reluctant to engage with as a product company. Their app store has revolutionized gaming and accessibility but I'm left wondering if they could do more to turn their incredible talents to hardware support and cause a console revolution."

    "They should be treated with more respect in terms of cultural significance but I also think players need to treat them with more respect in terms of how much time they spend. Then the challenge for developers and designers is not to waste a player’s time. Why make a forty hour game when what you're saying could be said in ten?"

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