Our plan at the moment is to make some more chapters if the interest is there. With some of this content being free.
Playing it already. Beautiful! Just beautiful game! Go get it. Really. Edit: also, it's a universal app, and translated to several languages.
I loved Percepto so I will have to get this. I love perspective games. Anyone who hasn't tried Percepto should take a look. It definitely doesn't look as cool but it's very challenging.
No way. (IMO) The only game definitely worth getting is Monument Valley and I average purchasing/downloading 6 apps a week. FTL seems like everyone is going to jump all over it, but it's just not my type of game.
I hope the interest is there because this deserves to be a top game. I'd love to see more of this game it's beautiful and messes with your sense of perspective.
What would it be like if an creatively-inclined geometry teacher went in an acid trip? Thanks for the answer, ustwo: awesome.
I agree, this is not THE best release day for me either, but this, the Castle Doombad update, and the soft launched Hearthstone guarantees this is one of the best release days of the year for me so far.
Edit: Just bought it and have been playing. One word: Breathtaking I have gotten past Level 4 in under 20 minutes,I might try to savor it by not playing anymore for a few days but I think it's going to be an impossible feat. Such a wonderful game that I have precisely zero regrets of buying. Really hope more content is in the cards! Pretty sure this game will be Editor's Choice for tomorrow's onslaught of app-releases.
Downloading now. Haven't played it yet. Didn't watch a video. The praise it got from Frost was enough for me to buy a copy.