Monster RPG 3 - Summer 2018

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by trentg, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. trentg

    trentg Well-Known Member

    Hey there...

    I'm Trent, developer at Nooskewl. We have created several iPhone/iPad games in the past. I'm here to announce a new one. Monster RPG 3 (sequel to Monster RPG 2 but playing the previous ones is not necessary) is coming to iPhone, iPad and Apple TV this summer.

    The game is a turn based JRPG-like. It's short but sweet (roughly 4 hours but can vary considerably.) I'm just finishing off the final level now.

    The gist of the story is two friends are out picking fiddleheads when monsters start coming out of nowhere. They make it their mission (with a little convincing from the sketchy mayor) to find the source and put an end to it, and they do so in a unique fashion.

    It's an efficient game... I'm not sure what the IPA size is exactly yet but the Android version is a 3MB download. Tonnes of steps were taken to reduce the size and make it run on almost anything: the target OS is iOS 8 supporting the iPhone 4S and up.

    It hopefully will be hitting the market early this Summer. It will be playable in English and French at launch.

    Some screenshots are attached!

    Attached Files:

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