Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nicodemus82, May 8, 2014.

  1. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    #6361 poppichicken, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    I was thinking the same thing, but I went back and re-read ViNZsters' post, and it seems that he/she hasn't actually bought the game yet.
  2. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Oh you're right! I still think ViNZster should get the game though, regardless of if the problem is there or not because it's not really game breaking. I haven't updated though so I can't confirm anything.
  3. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    Yay! Hip hip hooray and all that!

    I've FINALLY obtained a kirin thunder tail!
    It IS possible to get them from the village elder 5* kirin quest.

    One step closer to wielding a devil slicer.
    Unfortunately I need one more thunder tail... *sob*

    At least with my new Wyvern Blade "Blood", kirin is a much easier and quicker battle.
  4. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    And... 3 kirins later, I finally have my devil slicer.
    AT LAST.

    The first 2 kirins didn't drop any tails, but the 3rd dropped two!
    I've fought this damn horse so many times with only 1 carved tail to speak of, and suddenly I carve 2 tails! What the?!?!

    The devil slicer looks pretty tasty.
    Not a very big increase in raw damage over the eager cleaver (15%), but the increase in thunder element is huge (80%)!

    Maybe it's time to give tigrex a little visit...
  5. slighmd

    slighmd Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    Ah Tigrex... hated that guy so much when I was starting out. He was my insta-cart lol
  6. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    How do I kill diablos faster? I paired up with a buddy and it took us 30 minutes just to kill a high rank black diablos. We are both HR 8.
    I hear scatter shots with a hbg are effective, so maybe I'll make a set and attach a shield and try it out. I did some of the arena quests with the guns and it went pretty well! Took down the arena gravios just as I ran out of everything except the standard shell. Thinking I'll make a lavasioth set for ranged and such, haven't actually made anything for them yet. Any other suggestions?
  7. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    #6367 poppichicken, Nov 22, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
    Yep, tigrex was the creature that I was afraid of for a very long time!
    The first time I beat him was an amazing moment!
  8. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    I'm only HR2, so I'm not much help to you.

    I shudder to think what high-rank battles will be like.
    No doubt it'll take me many, many months before I get there though!

    Just took down a shogun cenataur with my new devil slicer.
    It was so easy - I never felt in danger. I don't know if it's the thunder element, but crabby got staggered a lot during the fight. The devil slicer is a glorious weapon!
  9. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Scatter shots are pretty bad in multiplayer though, unless you are all gunning.

    Were you hitting the diablos on his weakspot (the tail, then after that is cut off, the tail stub)? You need to break the horns to farm them, but he still takes the most damage on his tail. One strategy is to hit the legs, and wail on the tail once he falls down. If you can manage to hit the tail consistently, then go for that, but that's a strategy that can only be used by weapons that can actually hit them.

    What weapon classes do you main?
  10. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Well done! It's really satisfying to get a new weapon :)
    Months? You should try the guild hall! People can help you with quests and get better gear. I'm at HR 8 with almost 60 hours (I've been bingeing on the game okay :eek: ), although I've played the game before so all the monsters are a bit easier the second time around.

    Yeah I know the tail is his weakspot, but it's not always easy to reach with my hammer. I hit it when I can though. I just feel like he has heaps of HP and wastes my time, like burrowing constantly (I've run out of sonic bombs from farming, sadly) and turning to run at my teammates halfway across the area.
    I main hammers, and soon I want to branch out and get gunner things for yama.

    So here's the plan:
    Get some longswords - get 5 gravios brainstems - make akantor mail - get 2 more gold rajang pelts - make akantor tasset - get a khezu steak - make khezu helm z - fight some azure rathalos and make the rath soul arms and legs (z) - kill some lavasioth - make his set - get some bows - take down yama
    I'll get into the bowguns once I read the Bowgun Bible
  11. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    Yep, I've tried a bit of multiplayer. It's absolutely awesome.

    The problem is though that I don't see too many players at the time of night when I'm in wifi range, and have time to play (I live in Australia, and multiplayer time is usually late at night for me).

    The guild quests I've played in multi have been really fun, and a heck of a lot easier than solo-ing.
    I just wish I could find more players.

    I'm getting close to HR3 now... I've completed 23/26 of the 4* guild quests (I haven't tried the urgent tigrex quest yet). The next quest is lao-shan lung, which I don't know much about, and certainly haven't fought before.
    The quest description is intriguing - protect the fort from a giant dragon! Sounds like it's a gun-installation style of quest, though no doubt it'll be a "bit" more technical and finnicky than the gun-installations you see in other games!
  12. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    HR3!!! Yeah!!!

    That was awesome!
    I found a couple of excellent players that helped me take down the urgent tigrex (in about 6 minutes!), and now I'm HR3!

    Not only that, they stayed with me and we cleared the last 3 quests in the HR2 4* guild list.
    The lao-shan lung was crazy - it takes so much punishment, but we managed to take it down with 4 minutes to go.
    It got a bit tense because one of my hunting partners dropped out at the 10-minutes-to-go mark (so they missed out on the carves and quest rewards...)
  13. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Woo go you!
    Lao is a pain, if you move the wrong way he steps on you and you get destroyed. Also his tail can just nudge you and you die. Really annoying to lose when you've put so much time into it, and dropping out is my worst fear haha. If he's lucky it was just a connection problem so he could have finished it by himself to at least get a repel, so not for nothing hopefully.

    Meanwhile I've been trying to get an Akantor team for the past hour at least. It's not even my urgent. The rooms are causing hassles and when we do get it someone always dies. Akantor charges as the same person two times in a row sometimes which is pretty much a guaranteed kill :(
    I do need his parts though, i have 3/5 gravios brainstems (was doing runs for it today) but t still need another fang, and need to kill some rajangs too ('Tis the season to get pummelled falalalala lalalala). Then I need to kill some azure raths for heaven forbid some extremely rare item that the desire detector will no doubt deny me. I still haven't got that 99 iron for the onslaught hammer, but I've got the diablos hammer (next upgrade is chaos broker!) so that's good. I've made an eager cleaver, and will soon make some gunner stuff to get the infamous kirin thundertails!
    Oh and I need a Khezu special cut...hello darkness my old friend...
  14. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    I found that Wyvern Blade "Blood" works *really* well against that glowing b@stard.

    Also, I'm wondering what you need the khezu special cut for?
    Was the reference to The Sound of Silence to do with the lack of music when fighting khezu?
  15. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Thanks, I'll work on getting it then!
    I need the khezu special cut (only from g rank khezu) for the khezu helm z, a vital piece of my custom set.
    The reference was because it will be an *awful* time getting it. You can't get it from a kill unless you wound the head, and then it's only an 8% chance. Capturing gives another 8% chance to get it but he's hard to capture because he tends to jump over any traps.
    Oh also he has tonnes of HP. It would take too long to cap him by myself, so I try to get help, but then there's the increased risk of people dying because they think they can get in "Just one more hit".
    I didn't even notice that there's no music while fighting him! No wonder I feel a bit bored when fighting him haha
  16. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Well I'm now HR 9! Never got this far before, and I've done it in only 60 hours!
    The funny thing is, I'm still wearing high rank giaprey armor :eek:
    I captured a Khezu and got TWO special cuts from him, so I have made the helm and the rath soul vambraces. I'm still a long way off completing the custom set (EP you'd know which one it is, the one that gives RA+2, sharpness+1 and HGE).
    The desire detector was at it again today- I captured 3 nargacugas with cut tails and got no brainstems, ah well. Anyone have any idea why the brainstems are in the tail? Anyway, I casually joined a g rank shen gaoren battle and got a heavenly plate or something, and I also got a heavenly narga plate. All very rare things, but things I don't need right now! I can't really complain though, I've had a lot of luck with most of my drops :)
  17. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yep... Im maining hammers, lances and GSs on my main save on iOS, and for the hammer he's mainly using the HGE,RA+2, S+1 set. I think it's one of the best sets in the entire game.
  18. slighmd

    slighmd Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    Nice HR9! And i'm still in HR6 lol
  19. Doovy

    Doovy Active Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Only one more gravios brainstem and a heavenly rathalos scale and it will be complete! Muahaha!
    I'm going to miss dodging roars :')
  20. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    Congrats on HR9!
    That's incredible.

    I can't imagine ever getting to HR9, but I guess there's no rush is there?

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