Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nicodemus82, May 8, 2014.

  1. Papitoboy

    Papitoboy Member

    Jul 13, 2014
    Can I transfer my Japanese file to the US version?

    Hey guys I recently bought the Japanese MHFU for ios and patched it to English. Now I'm 30 hours to the game, 7 star in village quests and HR3. I want to know if I can transfer my game file to the US version because that's where my friends are playing. I don't want to restart all over again and waste all my effort. Thanks in advanced for those who will help me, cheers!
  2. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    you can use ifunbox or other apps. i use diskaid
  3. p.fresh

    p.fresh Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2014
    Wrong. LS is sharper than a hammer. The sharpness from a hammer isn't equal the sharpness from a ls. Anf if you mean the superpound, who doesnt bounce, the LS has the special strike. ( I don't know the english word) who requires a bit of your bar and also doesn't bounce.

    I tried with a hammer and it's stupid. I couldn't hit his head. A LS is much better, because of the long range. Play the game with sound and when he starts screaming and puts his head down, swipe downwards to make the evade move. This step keeps you out of range of his "thunder coat". Don't attack his tail, because you will bounce off. When he fires a electric ball, go next to him and attack the head. Then attack always his legs, like EP said, he will often stagger and fall. Aim for the head if you can. Watch out for his charged move. He will sometimes make two steps to you and this is his most powerful attack
    Recommended weapons: LS (range), Gunlance, you can block every attack except his bulllets. Just poke, block and when he's doint his thunder coat, fire in the tail. The hitbox there is the smallest and the shells won't bounce off. (Shells always do full damage). Or try lance but gunlance is better.
    Not recommended weapons: hammer, dual swords
  4. Darkenroll

    Darkenroll Active Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    Oof, just got to khezu and he hurts. Was beating his head to a pulp withy hammer and he got a lucky hit on me that paralyzed me so the follow up killed me. So I swapped over to my fire bow and basically shot him until I ran out of stamina and heat potions and he wouldn't die. Is he that tanky or am I underequipped? Upgrading my hammer wants dragonite ore I haven't seen, and the bow wants stuff from monsters I haven't seen.
  5. lelamquan184

    lelamquan184 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Khezu is the most tanky monster upto that point in village quest, but he should be a piece of cake with ranged weapon, it just takes a bit more time. You just need to bring some more steaks and hot drinks. It took me 25 min to kill him with a bow on my first try :p
  6. Mene

    Mene <b>ACCOUNT CLOSED</b>: <em>Officially</em> Quit iO

    Mar 18, 2012
    Still can't beat the kut ku. Have tried close to 70 times now with different weapons. It's just too hard for me, I might have to give in and admit defeat.
  7. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I said the same thing about the Tigrex and in the end I defeated it without even dying. Don't give up!
  8. Darkenroll

    Darkenroll Active Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    Dunno about ranged weapons, but I beat him pretty solidly with the iron striker hammer, which has some green sharpness. Also, traps. Bring two plus the free one they give you. Gives you time to paintball and get some head shots. If you need to heal or sharpen, run out of the area first. Good luck!
  9. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    You got this far and it wasn´t a cakewalk, so stick with it, you will make it eventually!
  10. dannythefool

    dannythefool Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    If I'm not mistaken, he is more tanky than others at this point in the game.

    What's your strategy with the hammer? How often do you get hits on his head in?

    I think the easiest weapon for Khezu is the gunlance. You can obviously just stand next to him and shell him all day long, but you can also block both the roar and the blue lightning seizure! The lightning only hits once, and once you block that hit, the rest of it is a pretty good opening.
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    The LS is a pretty consistent class all thoughout, but it isnt the only weapon you can use in the game.

    Just because you cant DS or hammer a khezu properly doesnt mean they're bad.

    If someone wants to use hammers, there are ways to defeat ALL monsters with them.

    I appreciate you trying to help others with strategies to defeat monsters, but dont go around telling people to use something else when they are having difficulty with certain monsters.

    I was a noob once along time ago too, and there's one thing i really despised when i was asking questions, and it is people telling me to use something else instead.
  12. p.fresh

    p.fresh Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2014
    When I began on the psp, it brought 2 shocktraps and barrel bombs with me. Trap him, 2 barrel bombs and one small time bomb.
    You can combine a splatterfish with a large barrel bomb to create a large barrel bomb+. Take 2 barrel bombs+ and 3 barrel bombs with you and 2 shocktraps to blow the kut-ku.

    Or try to hunt him online and look at the strategy from other players
  13. p.fresh

    p.fresh Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2014
    I use ls, ds and hammer. Of course it's possible to defeat every monster with every class but it's much easier with a suited class. I use ds for congalala because the openings are long. But ds for a khezu is problematic. Altough it is possible to make him fall very fast and attack his head, it's too risky because of the range. I recommended gunlace because it's very easy with it against khezu, but of course, ds is also a good choice, if not better. It's possible to let him constantly fall but there are a lot of newbies in this thread, so I recommended GL.

    I didn't like it either but after failling to hunt a rathalos with a ls, somebody recommended me to use a hammer and it was way easier.

    Please don't use the word noob (newbie out of brain), use only newbie.
  14. dannythefool

    dannythefool Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    What's your strategy? <- trick question to reveal whether you have one :p

    I recall you writing about using longswords earlier. You can get relatively far against Kut-Ku just by learning when it's safe to run in, then moving somewhere below him near his legs and comboing him (tap attack, tap attack, upswipe the attack button, repeat). Sometimes he'll hit you, but eh. Just run away, heal up, go back to step 1.

    Alternatively you can run to his head, do one attack, and immediately roll away (tap attack, and while your character is attacking move the v-stick to the side and tap roll until you roll away, then sheathe your weapon again). Repeat until he dies. This way it's easier to stay out of range of his turn attack, which I think does the most damage, but you need more precision to hit the head.

    Kut-kus have big ears, so sonic bombs work on them (if he's not in rage mode). But be aware that he'll be in rage mode afterwards. I think flash bombs also work.

    For some extra free hits, bring a shock trap and a pitfall trap (can both be bought from the granny outside the guild hall sometimes), and also two additional trap tools and genprey fangs to make more shock traps in the field. If you want to be extra cheesy, put down some large barrel bombs next to the trap and detonate them with a paintball or something when he's in the trap before you start hitting him.

    If you're running out of potions, bring herbs + blue mushrooms to make potions, and honey to make mega potions out of ten of your potions. Your cat can also learn the "health flute" skill, although it won't do terribly much this early in the game. (Cats become more useful when they start to sort of like you in a cat kind of way as you go on more and more adventures together...)

    If you die too fast, be more patient, don't be afraid of running to the next area to heal etc. There's generally no shame in running, run if you get hit too much, run if you can't handle his rage mode, run if you get disoriented etc. As long as he regularly kills you, your priority should be trying to avoid damage, not damaging him. As you get more efficient at dodging his attacks, you'll also get more hits in, but it doesn't work the other way around.
  15. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Where is snakebee larva? I've not found that mat yet at all
  16. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    I'm fairly sure psience just politely asked you NOT to tell him what to do.
    If you are annoyed by other people on the Internet not using your choice of words, you're gonna have a bad time.

    I appreciate the extensive, yet unnecessary, LS khezu guide, and your strong one-sided debate, but I like hammers because it doesn't leave me too open while doing damage. The LS spirit combo doesn't bounce, that's true, but you need to work up the gauge to do that, which can be tricky if you keep bouncing.
    Also, the spirit combo leaves you wide open for slaughter.

    Coincidently, I have used the DB, LS and hammer for periods of time in this game too. I find they all have their pros and cons, but all are capable of any task in the right hands.

    Ps. I kill khezus (plural?) easily with the hammer. I don't know why you're saying it's a bad choice.
  17. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    You need* the beehive on the farm.

    I would recommend skipping the Goldenfish quest until you have the beehive though. Completing the quest is not necessary to unlock the urgent quest. Trust me, it will be much easier with the larva.

    *you may be able to find the larva at honey gathering spots in the wild, but this method is unreliable and time consuming since they are quite rare.
  18. p.fresh

    p.fresh Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2014
    I never said it's bad. No weapon class is bad, like you said, they have their own pros and cons, but I think he's easier with another class.

    About the word noob: A lot of people misuse the word noob. I just wanted to make that clear.
  19. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    I have an idea, how about we join the two words 'noob' and 'newbie' to make...

    I have just made a solution that pleases absolutely nobody ^_^
  20. p.fresh

    p.fresh Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2014
    I forgot something. When the ls bar is filled, you gain ESP. The sword will never bounce, doesn't matter which attack.

    Oh, and do this shit bombs really work? I tried it once and the khezu still attacked me. I thought it should confuse him:confused:

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